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A disaster prevention and recovery plan is not a substitute for the good sense, sound management, and creativity that are required when responding to a disaster or crisis. The format and elements of a disaster plan vary widely from the comprehensive disaster plan of a multi-national corporation with complex legal, insurance, information, and security needs to the brief disaster prevention and recovery guide for small organizations or departments.
Start your plan by following a disaster prevention and recovery guide and obtain needed training. Here are basic rules to follow:

  • Obtain support for the plan from senior management
  • Form a committee and write the plan
  • Update information as needed
  • Obtain supplies, equipment and resources to support recovery efforts
  • Test the plan periodically
  • Outline the plan's activation
  • Involve management and staff from every department, division or business housed in the facility

While no disaster plan assures successful resumption of business operations, such a plan greatly tips the odds in favor of survival or recovery. Prior identification and protection of vital records, a clear plan for reconstruction and salvaging these records, and prior thought about the necessary steps to take after a disaster allows a department to enter a crisis situation with confidence and direction.

Reviewed 2019-08-05