User : 29A0011 Login Survey : SPRING2001
Institution ID: Current Survey : SPRING2001

Identification Finance
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General Information Section - Fixed length/Positional File (*.txt)
Field ID(Key) Column Length Description Valid Entries
* UNITID 1 6 UNITID Valid UnitID
** SURVSECT 7 3 Survey Section "F1"
** PART 10 1 Part of survey section - General Information "9" = General Information
FY_BEGIN 11 6 Beginning date of fiscal year covered mmyyyy - use 2-digit month and 4 digit year
FY_END 17 6 End date of fiscal year covered. Your Fiscal year should end before October 1, 2000. If you do not report for a full 12-month period, please explain in the caveats section that is provided on-line. (Caveats cannot be imported). mmyyyy - use 2-digit month and 4 digit year
GPFS 23 2 Did your institution receive a clean opinion on its General Purpose Financial Statements from your auditor for the above fiscal year? 1 = yes, 2 = no, -1 = Don't know
ACCTMETH 25 1 Which reporting model currently is used for your general purpose financial statements? (Select only one) 1 = AICPA College and university Audit Guide Model, 2 = GASB Governmental Model
ALTMETH 26 2 GASB Statement No. 34 offers three alternative reporting models for special-purpose governments like colleges and universities. Which model will be implemented by your institution? (Select only one) 1 = Business Type Activities (BTA) funds model, 2 = Government Activities, 3 = Governmental Activities with Business-Type Activities, -1 = Don't Know or Undecided at this time
** Filler 28 53 Filler Blank spaces

Parts (A) Current Funds Revenues by Source , (E) Scholarship and Fellowship Expenditures, (G) Indebtedness on Physical Plant , (J) Hospital Revenues, (L) Interest Earnings and Cash and Security Data, and (M) Tax Receipts and Capital Outlay Expenditures Data Section - Fixed length/Positional File (*.txt)
Field ID(Key) Column Length Description Valid Entries
* UNITID 1 6 UNITID Valid UnitID
** SURVSECT 7 3 Survey Section "F1"
** PART 10 1 Part of survey section "A" , "E", "G", "J", "L", and "M"
LINE 11 2 Description of Finance category Part A (1, 2, 4-13,15, 16), Part E (1-6), Part G (1-3, 5), Part J (1-6), Part L (1-4), Part M (1-5), refer to appendix A, Finance category tables
** Filler 13 5 Filler Blank spaces
F101 18 12 Total amount 0 to 999999999999
** Filler 30 61 Filler Blank spaces

Part (B) Current Funds Expenditures by Function Section - Fixed length/Positional File (*.txt)
Field ID(Key) Column Length Description Valid Entries
* UNITID 1 6 UNITID Valid UnitID
** SURVSECT 7 3 Survey Section "F1"
** PART 10 1 Part of survey section "B"
LINE 11 2 Description of Finance category Part B (1-4, 6-8, 10, 13, 15, 16, 19, 23, 24, 27)
** Filler 13 5 Filler Blank spaces
F101 18 12 Total amount 0 to 999999999999, if Part B (1-4, 6-8, 10, 13, 16, 19, 23, 24, 27), -999999999999 to 999999999999, if Part B (11 nonmandatory transfers), else leave blank
F102 30 12 Nonmandatory transfers -999999999999 to 999999999999, if Part B, Lines 15,18,21 only, else leave "blank"
** Filler 42 49 Filler Blank spaces
LINE 11 2 Description of Finance Category Part B (1-4,6-11,13,15,16,18,19,21-24,27)
** Filler 13 5 Filler Blank
F101 18 12 Total amount 0-999999999999, if Part B(1-4,6-10,13,16,19,22,23,24,27),-999999999999 to 999999999999, if Part B (11 nonmandatory transfers), else leave blank
** Filler 30 12 Filler
** Filler 42 49 Filler Blank

Part (H) Details of endowment assets Section - Fixed length/Positional File (*.txt)
Field ID(Key) Column Length Description Valid Entries
* UNITID 1 6 UNITID Valid UnitID
** SURVSECT 7 3 Survey Section "F1"
** PART 10 1 Part of survey section "H"
LINE 11 2 Description of endowment category 1 and 2, refer to appendix A, finance category tables
** Filler 13 5 Filler Blank spaces
F101 18 12 Book Value 0 to 999999999999
F102 30 12 Market Value 0 to 999999999999
** Filler 42 49 Filler Blank spaces

Part (K) Physical Plant Assets Section - Fixed length/Positional File (*.txt)
Field ID(Key) Column Length Description Valid Entries
* UNITID 1 6 UNITID Valid UnitID
** SURVSECT 7 3 Survey Section "F1"
** PART 10 1 Part of survey section "K"
LINE 11 2 Description of assets 1, 2 and 3 refer to appendix A, Finance category tables
** Filler 13 5 Filler Blank spaces
F101 18 12 Total amount 0-999999999999
** Filler 30 61 Filler Blank spaces

Part (N) Revenue, Expenditure, and Indebtedness Data (For Bureau of the Census) Section - Fixed length/Positional File (*.txt)
Field ID(Key) Column Length Description Valid Entries
* UNITID 1 6 UNITID Valid UnitID
** SURVSECT 7 3 Survey Section "F1"
** PART 10 1 Part of survey section "N"
LINE 11 2 Description of Finance item 1-13, 15,16 refer to appendix A, finance category tables
** Filler 13 5 Filler Blank spaces
F101 18 12 Education and general/independent operations for lines (2-6) and total amount indebtedness and interest lines (10-13, 15 and 16) 0 to 999999999999 for lines (2-6 and 10-13, 15 and 16), else leave blank
F102 30 12 Auxiliary enterprises 0 to 999999999999 for lines (2-6), else leave blank
F103 42 12 Hospitals 0 to 999999999999 for lines (2-6), else leave blank
F104 54 12 Agriculture extension/experiment services 0 to 999999999999 for lines (1-9), else leave blank
** Filler 66 15 Filler Blank spaces
Note: All numeric fields should be right-justified. Both leading zeros and spaces are permissible. Character data should be left-justified. If there is zero amount for any finance category, the line does not have to be included in the import file. Negative amounts are only allowed for nonmandatory expenditures in lines 11, 15, 18 and 21 of part B.

General Information Section - Key Value Pair File (*.txt)
Field ID(Key) Description Valid Entries
** SURVSECT Survey Section "F1"
** PART Part of survey section - General Information "9" = General Information
FY_BEGIN Beginning date of fiscal year covered mmyyyy - use 2-digit month and 4 digit year
FY_END End date of fiscal year covered. Your Fiscal year should end before October 1, 2000. If you do not report for a full 12-month period, please explain in the caveats section that is provided on-line.(Caveats cannot be imported). mmyyyy - use 2-digit month and 4 digit year
GPFS Did your institution receive a clean opinion on its General Purpose Financial Statements from your auditor for the above fiscal year? 1 = yes, 2 = no, -1 = Don't know
ACCTMETH Which reporting model currently is used for your general purpose financial statements?(Select only one) 1 =AICPA College and university Audit Guide Model 2 = GASB Governmental Model
ALTMETH GASB Statement No. 34 offers three alternative reporting models for special-purpose governments like colleges and universities. Which model will be implemented by your institution? (Select only one) 1 = Business Type Activities(BTA) funds model, 2 = Governmental Activities, 3 = Government Activities with Business-Type Activities -1=Don't Know or Undecided at this time
** Filler Filler Blank spaces

Part A through N Section - Key Value Pair File (*.txt)
Field ID(Key) Description Valid Entries
** SURVSECT Survey Section "F1"
** PART Part of survey section "A" through "N"
Line Finance category category tables
Column Finance subcategory j = 1 to 4, only applicable to parts H and N, refer to finance category tables
Amount Amount in whole dollars -99999999999 to 999999999999, if Part B, i = 11, 15, 18 and 21; 0 to 999999999999 if Part A, Part B i= 1-4, 6-8, 10, 13, 16, 19, 23, 24 and 27, Parts C to N

Sample records:
" " " "
" " " "
" " " "
" " " "
Note: If there is zero amount for any finance category, the line does not have to be included in the import file. Positive or negative amounts are only allowed for nonmandatory transfers in lines 11, 15, 18 and 21 of part B.
Appendix A, Finance Category tables

Appendix A, Finance Category tables

Current Funds Revenues by Source, Part A
Line Source of Funds
1 Tuition and fees
2 Federal appropriations
3 Federal appropriations through state channels are not collected in 2000. Do not include in import file.
4 State appropriations
5 Local appropriations
6 Federal grants and contracts
7 State grants and contracts
8 Local grants and contracts
9 Private gifts, grants, and contracts
10 Endowment income
11 Sales and services of educational activities
12 Auxiliary enterprises
13 Hospitals
14 Other sources (Do not include in import file. Other sources will be generated as follows; 16 minus sum of (1,2,4-13, 15)
15 Independent operations
16 Total current funds revenues

Current Funds Expenditure by Function, Part B

Line Function of Expenditures
1 Instruction
2 Research
3 Public service
4 Academic support
5 Library expenditures included in academic support are not collected in 2000. Do not include in import file.
6 Student services
7 Institutional support
8 Operation and maintenance of plant
9 Scholarships and fellowships. Do not include in import file. Total will be generated as follows: sum of part E, lines 1-6.
10 Mandatory transfers
11 Nonmandatory transfers educational activities
12 Total educational and general expenditures and transfers. Do not include in import file. Total will be generated as follows: sum of (1 - 4 and 6 - 11)
13 Auxiliary enterprises
14 Mandatory transfers of auxiliary activities are not collected in 2000. Do not include in import file.
15 Nonmandatory transfers of auxiliary activities
16 Hospitals
17 Mandatory transfer of hospital expenditures are not collected in 2000. Do not include in import file.
18 Nonmandatory transfers of hospital expenditures
19 Independent operations
20 Mandatory transfers of independent operations are not collected in 2000. Do not include in import file.
21 Nonmandatory transfers of independent operations
Other expenditures will be generated. Do not include in import file. Will be generated as follows: 22 minus sum of 12, 13, 16, and 19.
22 Total current funds expenditures and transfers will be generated. Do not include in import file. Total will be generated as follows: sum of 12, 13, 16 and 19.
23 Total salaries and wages for E&G
24 Total E&G employee fringe benefits paid from institutional accounts
25 Total E&G employee fringe benefits paid from noninstitutional accounts will be generated. Do not include in import file.
27 Total educational and general expenditures employee Compensation

1 - Line 25 is a combination of total E&G fringe benefits paid from noninstitutional accounts, included in

line 12 and those not include in line 12, which was collected separately in past years. This will be

generated by subtracting the sum of lines (23,24) from line 27. Appendix A, Finance Category tables


Scholarship and Fellowship Expenditures by Source, Part E


Student Scholarships and Fellowships by Source
1 Federal government - Pell grants only
2 Federal government - All other federal grants (exclude FDSL loans)
3 State government
4 Local government
5 Private
6 Institutional
7 Total scholarship and fellowship expenditures will be generated from the sum of lines (1 - 6). Do not include in import file.

Indebtedness on Physical Plant, Part G

Line Balances and transactions
1 Balance owed on principal at beginning of year
2 Additional principal borrowed during year
3 Payments made on principal during year
4 Balance owed on principal at end of year will be generated by subtracting line 3 from the sum of lines 1 and 2. Do not include in import file.
5 Interest payments on physical plant indebtedness

Details of Endowment Assets (Part H, positional file only)

Line Value of Endowment Assets
1 Value of endowment assets at beginning of the fiscal year
2 Value of endowment assets at end of the fiscal year

Details of Endowment Assets(Part H, key value file only)

Line, column
(i, j)
Value of Endowment Asset
(1,1) Value of endowment assets at beginning of the fiscal year - Book value
(1,2) Value of endowment assets at beginning of the fiscal year - Market value
(2,1) Value of endowment assets at end of the fiscal year – Book value
(2,2) Value of endowment assets at end of the fiscal year - Market value
Endowment yield not collected in 2000.

Hospital Revenues, Part J

Line Source of Hospital Revenues
1 Federal appropriations
2 State appropriations
3 Local appropriations
4 Sales and services
5 All gifts, grants, and contracts
6 Endowment income
7 Other sources (Do not include in import file. Other sources will be generated as follows: Part A, line 13 minus sum of (1-6) Part J.
8 Total hospital revenues will be transferred from part A, line 13. Do not include in import file.

Physical Plant Assets Part K


Type of Physical Plant Asset

1 Land - Book value at end of year
2 Buildings - Current replacement value (estimate)
3 Equipment - Current replacement value (estimate)

Interest Earnings and Cash and Security Data, Part L

Line Finance item
1 Interest from all funds (include interest from all unrestricted and restricted funds)
2 Total cash and security assets held at end of fiscal year in sinking or debt service funds
3 Total cash and security assets held at end of fiscal year in bond funds
4 Total cash and security assets held at end of fiscal year in all other funds (include current and endowment funds, restricted and unrestricted).

Tax Receipts and Capital Outlay Expenditures Data, Part M,

Line Selected Financial item
1 Receipts from property and nonproperty taxes from all funds
Capital outlay
2 Equipment purchase -- current funds
3 Equipment purchase - plant, capital outlay, bond funds, and other noncurrent funds.
4 Construction expenditures - all funds (include plant, capital outlay, bond funds, and endowment)
5 Land purchase all funds (include plant, capital outlay,bond funds, and endowment)

Revenue, Expenditure, and Indebtedness Data, Part N

Positional file only
Line Selected finance items
1 Employee compensation - Salaries and wages
2 Employee compensation - Payment to state retirement funds
3 Capital outlay - Equipment purchase - current funds
4 Capital outlay - Equipment purchase - plant and all other noncurrent funds
5 Capital outlay - Construction - plant and all other noncurrent funds
6 Capital outlay - Land purchase - plant and all other noncurrent funds
7 Miscellaneous revenues - Gross charges from product sales
8 Miscellaneous revenues - Revenue from federal government
9 Miscellaneous expenditures - Current expenditures other than salaries
Indebtedness and Interest
10 Interest paid on revenue debt and on any short-term debt
11 Long-term debt outstanding at beginning of fiscal year
12 Long-term debt issued during fiscal year
13 Long-term debt retired during fiscal year
14 Long-term debt outstanding at end of fiscal year will be generated by subtracting line 13 from the sum of lines 11 and 12. Do not include in import file.
15 Short-term debt outstanding at beginning of fiscal year
16 Short-term debt outstanding at end of fiscal year

Revenue, Expenditure, and Indebtedness Data, Part N

Key value file only
Line,column i,j) Selected finance items
(1,4) Employee compensation - Salaries and wages, Agriculture extension/experiment services
Employee compensation - Payment to state retirement funds
(2,1) Education and general/independent operations
(2,2) Auxiliary enterprises
(2,3) Hospitals
(2,4) Agriculture extension/experiment services
Capital outlay - Equipment purchase - current funds
(3,1) Education and general/independent operations
(3,2) Auxiliary enterprises
(3,3) Hospitals
(3,4) Agriculture extension/experiment services
Capital outlay - Equipment purchase - plant and all other noncurrent funds
(4,1) Education and general/independent operations
(4,2) Auxiliary enterprises
(4,3) Hospitals
(4,4) Agriculture extension/experiment services
Capital outlay - Construction - plant and all other noncurrent funds
(5,1) Education and general/independent operations
(5,2) Auxiliary enterprises
(5,3) Hospitals
(5,4) Agriculture extension/experiment services
Capital outlay - Land purchase - plant and all other noncurrent funds
(6,1) Education and general/independent operations
(6,2) Auxiliary enterprises
(6,3) Hospitals
(6,4) Agriculture extension/experiment services
(7,4) Miscellaneous revenues - Gross charges from product sales, Agriculture extension/experiment services
(8,4) Miscellaneous revenues - Revenue from federal government, Agriculture extension/experiment services
(9,4) Miscellaneous expenditures - Current expenditures other than salaries, Agriculture extension/experiment services
Indebtedness and Interest
(10,1) Interest paid on revenue debt and on any short term debt
(11,1) Long-term debt outstanding at beginning of fiscal year
(12,1) Long-term debt issued during fiscal year
(13,1) Long-term debt retired during fiscal year
(14,1) Long-term debt outstanding at end of fiscal year will be generated by subtracting line 13 from the sum of lines 11 and 12. Do not include in import file.
(15,1) Short-term debt outstanding at beginning of fiscal year
(16,1) Short-term debt outstanding at end of fiscal year