Enrollment 2005-06

Institution: University of Missouri-Rolla (178411) User ID: 29C0011
Part A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
 Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2005 
 CIPCODE: 99.0000 -- Summary 
     Full-time undergraduate students 
Students enrolled for credit 
 Degree/certificate-seeking   Non-degree/

undergraduate students


 Nonresident alien  13  52  65  66 
 Black, non-Hispanic  23  100  123  124 
 American Indian/Alaska Native  13  13 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  13  53  66  66 
 Hispanic  16  54  70  70 
 White, non-Hispanic  623  1,972  2,595  2,600 
 Race/ethnicity unknown  19  97  116  116 
 Total men  711  2,337  3,048  3,055 
 Total men prior year  670    2,924    2,928 
 Nonresident alien  11 
 Black, non-Hispanic  41  50  50 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  17  19  19 
 Hispanic  21  23  23 
 White, non-Hispanic  151  538  689  690 
 Race/ethnicity unknown  38  41  41 
 Total women  168  667  835  838 
 Total women prior year  169    805    809 
 Total men + women  879     

Institution: University of Missouri-Rolla (178411) User ID: 29C0011
Part A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
 Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2005 
 CIPCODE: 99.0000 -- Summary 
     Part-time undergraduate students 
Students enrolled for credit 
 Degree/certificate-seeking   Non-degree/

undergraduate students


 Nonresident alien 
 Black, non-Hispanic  14  14  15 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander 
 White, non-Hispanic  205  207  42  249 
 Race/ethnicity unknown  18  18  10  28 
 Total men  251  254  58  312 
 Total men prior year    216    266 
 Nonresident alien 
 Black, non-Hispanic 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander 
 White, non-Hispanic  62  63  19  82 
 Race/ethnicity unknown  10 
 Total women  80  82  24  106 
 Total women prior year    73    116 

Institution: University of Missouri-Rolla (178411) User ID: 29C0011
Part A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
 Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2005 
 CIPCODE: 99.0000 -- Summary 
     Graduate students 
Students enrolled for credit 
 Total full-time
 Total part-time
 Nonresident alien  296  67 
 Black, non-Hispanic  12  22 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  25  15 
 Hispanic  16 
 White, non-Hispanic  229  272 
 Race/ethnicity unknown  25  24 
 Total men  594  416 
 Total men prior year  594  409 
 Nonresident alien  100  17 
 Black, non-Hispanic 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  10 
 White, non-Hispanic  60  59 
 Race/ethnicity unknown 
 Total women  177  102 
 Total women prior year  169  113 

Institution: University of Missouri-Rolla (178411) User ID: 29C0011
Part A - Fall Enrollment - Summary by race/ethnicity
 Fall enrollment totals 
 CIPCODE: 99.0000 -- Summary 
 Students enrolled for credit   Total full-time
 Total part-time
 Grand total,
all students 
 Prior year 
 Nonresident alien  362  72  434  463 
 Black, non-Hispanic  136  37  173  158 
 American Indian/Alaska Native  14  15  15 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  91  24  115  107 
 Hispanic  76  21  97  74 
 White, non-Hispanic  2,829  521  3,350  3,156 
 Race/ethnicity unknown  141  52  193  224 
 Total men  3,649  728  4,377  4,197 
 Nonresident alien  111  20  131  137 
 Black, non-Hispanic  52  12  64  60 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  28  15  43  35 
 Hispanic  24  29  26 
 White, non-Hispanic  750  141  891  867 
 Race/ethnicity unknown  46  13  59  74 
 Total women  1,015  208  1,223  1,207 
 Grand Total  4,664  936  5,600     

Institution: University of Missouri-Rolla (178411) User ID: 29C0011
Part B - Fall Enrollment by age and gender
 NOTE: These data are mandatory this year.
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2005 
 Age   Full-time undergraduate students 
    Men   Women 
 Under 18 
 18-19  903  239 
 20-21  1,174  323 
 22-24  803  207 
 25-29  120  39 
 30-34  32  12 
 35-39  11 
 65 and over     
 Age unknown/unreported 
 Total full-time undergraduate students (from part A)  3,055  838 

Institution: University of Missouri-Rolla (178411) User ID: 29C0011
Part B - Fall Enrollment by age and gender
 NOTE: These data are mandatory this year.
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2005 
 Age   Part-time undergraduate students 
    Men   Women 
 Under 18  13 
 18-19  21 
 20-21  68  18 
 22-24  121  35 
 25-29  48  18 
 30-34  15 
 40-49  13 
 65 and over     
 Age unknown/unreported 
 Total part-time undergraduate students (from part A)  312  106 

Institution: University of Missouri-Rolla (178411) User ID: 29C0011
Part B - Fall Enrollment by age and gender
 NOTE: These data are mandatory this year.
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2005 
 Age   Full-time graduate students 
    Men   Women 
 Under 18     
 22-24  183  54 
 25-29  284  84 
 30-34  76  24 
 35-39  29 
 40-49  14 
 65 and over 
 Age unknown/unreported 
 Total full-time graduate students (from part A)  594  177 

Institution: University of Missouri-Rolla (178411) User ID: 29C0011
Part B - Fall Enrollment by age and gender
 NOTE: These data are mandatory this year.
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2005 
 Age   Part-time graduate students 
    Men   Women 
 Under 18     
 22-24  31 
 25-29  135  35 
 30-34  88  17 
 35-39  30  12 
 40-49  84  22 
 50-64  47 
 65 and over     
 Age unknown/unreported 
 Total part-time graduate students (from part A)  416  102 

Institution: University of Missouri-Rolla (178411) User ID: 29C0011
Part C - Residence of first-time undergraduate students
 NOTE: These data are optional this year. 
 Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2005 
 State of residence when student
was first admitted 
 FIPS Code   Total first-time
undergraduate (degree/certificate-seeking only)
 Those who graduated from
high school in the past 12 months
 Alabama   01     
 Alaska   02     
 Arizona   04 
 Arkansas   05  12  12 
 California   06 
 Colorado   08 
 Connecticut   09 
 Delaware   10     
 District of Columbia   11     
 Florida   12 
 Georgia   13 
 Hawaii   15     
 Idaho   16     
 Illinois   17  72  70 
 Indiana   18 
 Iowa   19 
 Kansas   20  18  17 
 Kentucky   21 
 Louisiana   22 
 Maine   23     

Institution: University of Missouri-Rolla (178411) User ID: 29C0011
Part C - Residence of first-time undergraduate students
 NOTE: These data are optional this year. 
 Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2005 
 State of residence when student
was first admitted 
 FIPS Code   Total first-time
undergraduate (degree/certificate-seeking only)

 Those who graduated from
high school in the past 12 months
 Maryland   24 
 Massachusetts   25 
 Michigan   26 
 Minnesota   27 
 Mississippi   28 
 Missouri   29  686  663 
 Montana   30 
 Nebraska   31 
 Nevada   32     
 New Hampshire   33 
 New Jersey   34 
 New Mexico   35     
 New York   36     
 North Carolina   37     
 North Dakota   38     
 Ohio   39 
 Oklahoma   40  12  12 
 Oregon   41     
 Pennsylvania   42 
 Rhode Island   44     

Institution: University of Missouri-Rolla (178411) User ID: 29C0011
Part C - Residence of first-time undergraduate students
 NOTE: These data are optional this year. 
 Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2005 
 State of residence when student
was first admitted 
 FIPS Code   Total first-time
undergraduate (degree/certificate-seeking only)
 Those who graduated
from high school in the past 12 months
 South Carolina   45 
 South Dakota   46 
 Tennessee   47 
 Texas   48  17  17 
 Utah   49     
 Vermont   50 
 Virginia   51 
 Washington   53     
 West Virginia   54 
 Wisconsin   55     
 Wyoming   56     
 State Unknown   57     
 American Samoa   60     
 Federated States
of Micronesia 
 Guam   66     
 Marshall Islands   68     
 Northern Marianas   69     
 Palau   70     
 Puerto Rico   72     
 Virgin Islands   78     
 Foreign Countries   90  15 
 Residence unknown/unreported   98     
 Total first-time
undergraduate students (FT+PT from part A) 
    884  848 

Institution: University of Missouri-Rolla (178411) User ID: 29C0011
Part D - Total Entering Class
 Total Entering Class - Fall 2005 
 Number of full-time first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates
   (this is your fall cohort reported in Part A) 
 Total entering students at undergraduate level, Fall 2005
Note: This number should include part-time and full-time first-time
students as well as students transferring to the institution in Fall 2005. 
 Percentage of entering class represented by your GRS cohort  73 

Institution: University of Missouri-Rolla (178411) User ID: 29C0011
Parts E/F - 12-Month Selection
  Please indicate which 12-month period you will use to report your unduplicated count and activity hours. 
      Radio On  July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005 
    Radio Off  September 1, 2004 through August 31, 2005 

Institution: University of Missouri-Rolla (178411) User ID: 29C0011
Part E - Unduplicated Count
 12-month unduplicated count by race/ethnicity and gender
for the 2004-05 academic year 
     Undergraduate students   Graduate students 
 Nonresident alien  87  480 
 Black, non-Hispanic  134  49 
 American Indian/Alaska Native  13 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  80  43 
 Hispanic  58  24 
 White, non-Hispanic  2,821  672 
 Race/ethnicity unknown  172  74 
 Total men  3,365  1,344 
 Nonresident alien  25  142 
 Black, non-Hispanic  55  14 
 American Indian/Alaska Native 
 Asian/Pacific Islander  30  14 
 Hispanic  27 
 White, non-Hispanic  860  201 
 Race/ethnicity unknown  72  18 
 Total women  1,076  397 
 Grand total  4,441  1,741 
 Prior year data     
     Unduplicated headcount (2003-04)  4,347  1,769 
     Total enrollment Fall 2004
(Unduplicated count reported above is expected to be greater than this number.) 
4,119  1,285 

Institution: University of Missouri-Rolla (178411) User ID: 29C0011
Part F - Instructional Activity
 Instructional activity data may be reported on Part F in units of contact hours or credit hours. Please indicate which units are used by the institution to measure instructional activity 
      Radio Off  Contact hours  
    Radio On  Credit hours 
    Radio Off  Both contact and credit hours (some programs measured in contact hours and others measured in credit hours) 

Institution: University of Missouri-Rolla (178411) User ID: 29C0011
Part F - Instructional Activity
 12-month instructional activity

Do not include first-professional students  
 Level of course   Total 12-month activity 
 Credit hour activity for academic programs     
   Undergraduate programs  112,561 
   Graduate programs  20,964 
 Based on the hours reported, the institution's estimated full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment is: 
 Undergraduates  3,752 
 Graduates  874 
 Click here to see HOW FTE IS CALCULATED 
 NCES uses estimated FTE enrollment to calculate expenses by function per FTE and core revenues per FTE as reported in the NPEC IPEDS Data Feedback Report. If the estimate above is not reasonable for your institution, please provide your best estimate of undergraduate and graduate FTE for the reporting year identified on Parts E/F 12-Month Selection: 

Institution: University of Missouri-Rolla (178411) User ID: 29C0011
Part G - Retention Rates
 In order to calculate retention rates for your cohort of first-time bachelor’s (or equivalent) degree-seeking undergraduates, please do the following:
1) Establish your cohorts (full time separate from part time) of first-time bachelor's (or equivalent) degree-seeking undergraduates, which consists of those enrolled at your institution in fall 2004 (including those enrolled for the first time the preceding summer term and those whose intent was not known upon entry to the institution).
2) Count the number of students in each cohort who re-enrolled or are still enrolled at your institution in fall 2005.
3) Calculate the retention rates (see formula below).
Use your institution’s official fall reporting date when calculating these percentages. Please report full-time and part-time percentages separately. The student status (full- or part-time) should be based on the fall 2004 status, even if this has changed by fall 2005. 
 NOTE: The fall 2004 cohort data used for these calculations may be adjusted for students who left the institution for any of the following reasons: died or were totally and permanently disabled; to serve in the armed forces (including those called to active duty); to serve with a foreign aid service of the Federal Government, such as the Peace Corps; or to serve on official church missions. These are exclusions, and may be subtracted from the cohort prior to calculating the retention rate. Do not include those students who transferred into the institution as part of your fall cohort. 
(Re-enrolled at institution in fall 2005 (from step 2 above)) * 100 /
(Fall 2004 bachelor’s cohort (from step 1 above) – Exclusions from fall 2004 bachelor’s cohort) 
 Full-time rate  87   % 
 Part-time rate  33   % 

Institution: University of Missouri-Rolla (178411) User ID: 29C0011
Explanation Report

There are no explanations for the selected survey and institution.