- Check the box indicating what type of title the employee holds for the job that is associated with the Empl. Rcd. # on this form. For Academic employees include annual salary.
- Enter the name of the individual consistent with the information in Employee Lookup on WebTime (e.g. Wilson,Mary S).
- Enter the employee's eight-character identification number, include the employee record number. The record number indicates which job data will be associated with the additional pay. The Empl. Record number can be located in PeopleSoft on the work location panel (e.g. 12345678-0)
- Enter Home Campus.
- Pay Frequency - check the box indicating the pay frequency for the primary appointment.
- Used to reference a specific line of additional pay since departments may enter multiple earn codes, effective dates OR multiple lines of funding for each combination of earn code and effective date.
- Enter the earn code that describes the type of pay (e.g. DF2 -- shift differential; INC -- incentive; AWD -- award, etc.)
- Enter the effective date of the pay period when payment will be made (mm/dd/yyyy).
- Sequential numbers are required if there are multiple lines with the same earn code and effective date, otherwise enter "1."
- Not a required field. This field may be used to stop additional pay as of a certain date. However, if the total amount of additional pay that should be paid to an employee is known, the goal amount (Field #13) will be used to stop the pay. Generally, leave this field blank except when terminating additional pay.
- If the additional pay is for a set amount, enter the flat amount the employee is to receive each pay period. Note: Each line of additional pay must have either Earnings or Hourly/Unit Rate.
- For additional pay that is based on the number of hours worked or units produced, enter the hourly or unit rate. Note: Each line of additional pay must have either Earnings or Hourly/Unit Rate.
- If the total amount of additional pay is known, enter the dollar amount, otherwise leave blank. For one-time payments, this field will match the amount in Field #11 Earnings.
- Leave blank. This field is for HR use only.
- Enter the five-character code that identifies the home campus/business unit associated with the line of funding.
Choose one: COLUM, HOSPT, KCITY, ROLLA, STLOU, UOEXT, UMSYS or UWIDE. - Enter the code that identifies the department, or sub-department associated with the line of funding (e.g. CHUMNRESSV).
- Enter the four-character code that is assigned to the employee's specific job title (e.g. 8614).
- Enter the five-character code that is the shorthand key for the Chartfield string (except account). This code represents the source of funding.
- Enter the six-character code associated with the job code recorded in Field #17. The account indicates the classification of the salary and wage expenditure in the General Ledger, (e.g. 706300).
- Enter dates the work was performed.
- Enter any special instructions in this section
- Enter the state and city where the work is to be performed if that location differs from the tax location associated with the Empl. Rcd. #.
- Signatures as defined by Delegation of Authority in HR policy HR-201.
Reviewed 2019-08-05