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10.020 Statutory Provisions

R.S.Mo. 1969, 172.010, 172.020.

  1. University Established: A university is hereby instituted in this state, the government whereof shall be vested in a board of curators. (This section was first enacted as Article II, Section 1, Laws 1838-39, page 173.)
  2. Corporate Name and Power: The university is hereby incorporated and created a body politic, and shall be known by the name of "The Curators of the University of Missouri," and by that name shall have
    • Perpetual succession;
    • Power to sue and be sued;
    • Complain and defend in all courts;
    • To make and use a common seal, and to alter the same at pleasure;
    • To take, purchase and to sell, convey and otherwise dispose of lands and chattels;
    • To act as trustee in all cases in which there be a gift of property or property left by will to the university or for its benefit or for the benefit of students of the university;
    • To condemn and appropriate real estate or other property, or any interest therein, for any public purpose within the scope of its organization, in the same manner and with like effect as is provided in Chapter 523, R.S.Mo. relating to the appropriation and valuation of lands taken for telegraph, telephone, gravel and plank or railroad purposes;
    • Provided, that if the curators so elect, no assessment of damages or compensation under this law shall be payable and no execution shall issue before the expiration of sixty days after the adjournment of the next regular session of the legislature held after such assessment is made,
    • But the same shall bear interest at the rate of six percent per annum from its date until paid;
    • And provided further, that the curators may, at any time, elect to abandon the proposed appropriation of property by an instrument of writing to that effect, to be filed with the clerk of the court and entered on the minutes of the court, and as to so much as is thus abandoned, the assessment of damages or compensation shall be void;
    • Provided, that the curators shall not have power to sell or convey any land contained within the university campus. (Note: This section is in substantially same wording down to but not including "to act as trustee..." first enacted as Article II, Section 2, Laws 1838-39, page 173.)
  3. See generally Chapter 172, R.S.Mo. 1969, entitled "State University" for further statutory provisions.

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