Payment ID Search
To find information on a payment (check or ACH), when the payment ID is known, you can use the Payment ID search. Enter the payment ID in the Look for box, select Payment ID from the drop-down list, and click the Submit button. Leading zeros do not need to be keyed (e.g., payment ID 000999 can be keyed as either 999 or 000999). You will be presented with a screen that lists all vendor payments with the specified payment ID. Click on the payment date which matches the vendor you wish to retrieve. By clicking on the vendor name, you will be taken to the Vendor Name Search Results screen for the selected vendor name.
If an incorrect payment ID was typed when doing the search, use your browser's Back button to return to the FIN Search Options screen and modify your search criteria.
Payment Information
This screen provides a summary listing of all voucher transactions associated with a specific University check number or ACH number (both also known as the payment ID). The payment ID, payment date, payment status, and cleared date (for check) or settlement date (for ACH) appear in the top portion of the screen along with the vendor name and ID that the payment was for. If you click on the vendor name, you will be linked to the Vendor Name Search Results screen for the selected vendor. By clicking on the vendor ID, you will be transferred to the Vendor ID Search Results screen.
Voucher ID, invoice number, amount, PO ID, business unit, chartfield information and accounting date are all displayed on the screen. By clicking on the voucher ID, you will be transferred to the Voucher Information screen which displays detailed information for the specific voucher ID as it is associated with a particular vendor. If you click on the PO ID, you will be linked to the PO Information screen which will provide detailed information on that purchase order.
Voucher ID Search
To find voucher information, when the voucher ID is known, you can use the Voucher ID search. Enter the voucher ID in the Look for box, select Voucher ID from the drop-down list, and click the Submit button. You will be taken to a screen that will list all vouchers that have used that voucher ID. Leading zeros do not need to be keyed (e.g., voucher ID 00001111 can be keyed as either 1111 or 00001111).
The following fields will be displayed for the selected voucher ID: vendor name, vendor ID, voucher ID, payment date, payment ID, and business unit. If you click on a vendor name, you will be taken to the Vendor Name Search Results screen for that vendor name. Clicking on the vendor ID will link you to the Vendor Information screen which will provide you a listing of all voucher transactions processed against that vendor. If you click on the voucher ID, you will go to the Voucher Information screen, which displays detailed information for the specific voucher ID as it is associated with a particular vendor. By clicking on the payment ID, you will be linked to the Payment Information screen, which will provide you a listing of all voucher transactions associated with that payment ID.
If an incorrect voucher ID was typed when doing the search, use your browser's Back button to return to the FIN Search Options screen and modify your search criteria.
Voucher Information
The voucher information screen displays detailed information for a specific voucher ID as it is associated with a particular vendor. The vendor's name, vendor ID, address sequence number and address information are displayed. If you click on the vendor's name, you will be transferred to the Vendor Name Search Results screen for the specified vendor name. By clicking on the vendor ID, you will be linked to the Vendor Information screen, which will provide you a listing of all voucher transactions processed against that vendor.
The voucher's purchase order ID, liquidation indicator, invoice number, payment handling code, invoice date, void indicator, due date, and hold flag are displayed. Clicking on the PO ID will link you to the PO ID Information screen which provides detailed information on that purchase order. The voucher line and distribution information is provided in the middle section of the screen.
If a payment has been made for this voucher, there will be a Payment Reconciliation Snapshot section in the lower portion of the screen. This section provides payment id, payment date, payment status, payment amount, and payment clear/settlement date information associated with this voucher. Clicking on the payment ID will link you to the Payment Information screen, which will provide a listing of all voucher transactions associated with the payment. If the payment was made by check, you will see the label Payment Cleared Date. If the payment was made by ACH, the field will be labeled Settlement Date.
Vendor ID Search
To find information on a specific vendor, when the vendor ID is known, you can use the Vendor ID search. Enter the vendor ID in the Look for box, select Vendor ID from the drop-down list, and click the Submit button. If the first character of the vendor ID is an alpha character, it may be keyed as either upper- or lowercase. You do not have to key in leading zeroes for the vendor ID. An interim screen will be displayed which allows you to choose which vendor ID, address sequence number combination you are interested in viewing.
From this Vendor ID search screen, you can click on a vendor ID and be linked to the Vendor Information screen which will provide a listing of all voucher transactions processed against that vendor ID/address sequence number combination. If, after viewing the information on the Vendor Information screen, you determine that the information is for the wrong vendor ID/address sequence number, use your browser's Back button to return to the Vendor ID Search Results screen to make another selection.
If the vendor you are looking for is not in the list, or the list shows no matches, use your browser's Back button to return to the FIN Search Options screen and modify your search criteria.
Vendor Information
This screen displays a listing of all voucher transactions processed against a specific vendor ID, address sequence number. The top frame of the screen displays the vendor name, vendor ID-address sequence number, and vendor address (for the address sequence number). The bottom frame of the screen displays the voucher information. There is a link on the voucher ID that will transfer you to the Voucher Information screen. If you click on the payment ID, you will be linked to the Payment ID Information screen. If you click on the PO ID, you will be transferred to the PO ID Information screen.
The default sort order of the detail lines is by voucher ID. If you want to sort on a different column, simply click on the desired column header. The first time a column is sorted, it will sort in ascending order. If you click on the same column header again, the data will be sorted in descending order. The little arrow to the right of the column header indicates which column, and which order, the data has been sorted by.
A record count and vendor total are provided at the bottom of the screen. These figures are based on the vendor ID, address sequence number combination. Just slightly below the totals are 2 buttons. The Download to Excel and Format for Print options. Simply click on one of these buttons if you want to do either of the functions.
Vendor Name Search
To find information on a specific vendor when the vendor ID is not known, you can use the Vendor Name search. Enter either a complete or partial vendor name (in either upper- or lowercase letters) in the Look for box, select Vendor Name from the drop-down list, and click the Submit button. You will be taken to a screen that will list possible matches. The information displayed includes name, ID, address sequence number, and description. If you click on a vendor ID, you will be linked to the Vendor Information screen which will provide a listing of all voucher transactions processed against that vendor ID, address sequence number combination. If, after viewing the information on the Vendor Information screen, you determine that the information is for the wrong vendor ID/address sequence number, use your browser's Back button to return to the Vendor Name Search Results screen to make another selection.
If the vendor you are looking for is not in the list, or the list shows no matches, use your browser's Back button to return to the FIN Search Options screen and modify your search criteria.
Vendor Total
This screen will provide the user with the Fiscal Year to Date paid to a vendor ID. The total is for all address sequence numbers for the vendor ID. The screen will list the vendor name, vendor ID, and fiscal year to date paid amount. If this information is for the wrong vendor, use your browser's Back button to return to the FIN Search Options menu and key in a different vendor ID.
AP Invoice Number Search
To find voucher information, when only an invoice number is known, you can use the Invoice Number search. Enter the invoice number in the Look for box, select Invoice Number from the drop-down list, and click the Submit button. You will be taken to a screen that displays vendor name, vendor ID, invoice amount, invoice date, voucher ID, payment date, payment ID, and business and will list all vendors that have used that invoice number. If you click on a vendor name, you will be taken to the Vendor Name Search Results screen. If you click on a vendor ID, you will be linked to the Vendor Information screen, which will provide a listing of all voucher transactions processed against that vendor ID, address sequence number. Clicking on a voucher ID will link you to the Voucher Information screen, which displays detailed information for a specific voucher ID as it is associated with a particular vendor. If you click on a payment ID, you will be linked to the Payment Information screen, which will provide a listing of all voucher transactions associated with that payment.
If an incorrect invoice number was typed when doing the search, use your browser's Back button to return to the FIN Search Options menu and modify your search criteria
PO ID Search
To find detailed information about a purchase order when the purchase order ID is known, you can use the PO ID search. Enter the PO ID in the Look for box, select PO ID from the drop-down list, and click the Submit button. You will be taken to a screen that lists all the PO ID's that match the search criteria. The vendor name, vendor ID, PO ID, PO total amount, PO date, buyer, and business unit are displayed for the specified PO ID. If you click on a vendor name, you will be linked to the Vendor Name Search Results screen for the selected vendor name. Clicking on the vendor ID will link you to the Vendor Information screen which will provide you a listing of all voucher transactions processed against that vendor. If you click on the PO ID, you will be linked to the PO ID Information screen which will provide detailed information for the specified PO ID.
If an incorrect PO ID was typed when doing the search, use your browser's Back button to return to the FIN Search Options screen and modify your search criteria.
PO ID Information
This screen provides information on a specific purchase order. It gives you the date the purchase order was effective, the requestor, requisition number, PO total amount, ship to address, RFQ ID, and buyer information. The vendor name, vendor ID-address sequence number, and address information are given in the middle section of the screen. If you click on the vendor name, you will be transferred to the Vendor Name Search Results screen for a list of all vendors with that name. By clicking on the vendor ID, you will be linked to the Vendor Information screen, which will provide you a listing of all voucher transactions processed against that vendor.
The rest of the screen displays line information: line and schedule numbers, quantity, unit of measure, unit price, extended amount, due date, and description. Below the shaded line, we list the distribution information (chartfield information).
Req ID Search
To find detailed information about a purchase order when the purchase order ID is not known, but the requisition ID is known, you can use the Req ID search. Enter the requisition ID in the Look for box (you do not have to key in leading zeroes), select Req ID from the drop-down list, and click the Submit button. If the purchase order has been created, you will be taken to a screen which lists the purchase orders that match the specified requisition ID. Click on the purchase order ID that you want to see more information about to be taken to the PO detail screen.
If a purchase order has not been created for the requisition, a "purchase order not found" message will be given. Use your browser's Back button to return to the FIN Search Options screen and modify your search criteria.
Reviewed 2019-08-05