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Developments Details



Policy Development & Implementation

Date Range Details
October - Onward

The protocols for student, faculty and staff accused of discrimination will be evaluated 12-24 months after the date at which policies are adopted and necessary personnel trained and assigned to the adjudication process: Student (10/2015 – 10/2016); Faculty and Staff (3/2016-3/2017)

July - September Continued implementation of revised policies and tracking of potential improvements.
April - June Implementation of revised policies
January - March Policies regarding Staff as Accused and Faculty as accused were approved by the Board of Curators on February 5, 2015.

November - December The Student as Accused policy, 200.025 Equity Resolution Process for Resolving Complaints of Harassment, Sexual Misconduct and other Forms of Discrimination against a Student or Student Organization, was implemented under Executive Order 41 on September 22, 2014.




Date Range Details
October - Onward

There will be annual training for Title IX Coordinators, Deputy Coordinators, Investigators, and Victim Intake and Advocacy Personnel. There will be biannual training for Equity Resolution Panelists. Ongoing training for key Clery personnel is to be determined.

Online student training on violence prevention and bystander intervention will be mandatory for all incoming students going forward.

Employee training, including Mandatory Reporter training and sexual harassment training, will continue to be offered online through myLearn.

July - September Recently hired Title IX investigators receive their initial training. On-site trainings on various topics continue. Pushes for online student training on violence prevention and bystander intervention take place. Pushes for new employees to take online training continue, with an anticipated all-employee push scheduled for July 2016.
April - June

Mandated Reporters: As of April 6, 2015, 18,933 employees (83%) have completed the training for Mandated Reporters. This training is ongoing.

Equity Resolution Panel Training: The passage of new policies created new roles as well as the need for the appointment of key people to existing roles. These roles include HR Equity Officer, HR Equity Appellate Officer, and Investigator for Staff as Accused; and Equity Resolution Panelists, Investigator, Provost/Provost’s Designee, and Appellate Officer for Faculty as Accused. Training for new hearing panelists, as well as appellate officers, will be held April 14-15, 2015, in Columbia. A second set of training dates is to be determined.

Victim Intake and Advocacy Training: In order to train both current and new employees involved with victim intake and advocacy, as many campuses are utilizing strategic funds to hire victim intake and advocacy personnel, we will have this centralized training on June 25-26, 2015.

Investigator Training: Given that we have new policies, new appointments, and new hires because of strategic investments, we will have an additional training for investigators. We are still determining dates for spring and early summer.

Student Training: Online violence prevention and bystander intervention training for students will launch in June, in time for summer orientations. The training, Not Anymore, will be mandatory for all incoming and transfer students. Summer orientations on each of the campuses will inform incoming students of their obligation to complete the training and incorporate its curriculum into some of their orientation activities.

January - March  
November - December

Online training for Mandated Reporters launched in November. The training, accessed through myLearn, is designed to inform employees about their duty to report sexual abuse, sexual misconduct and other behaviors that fall under Title IX. Click here for more information and instructions on how to access the course.

Campuses notified employees of their responsibility to take the training for Mandated Reporters at different times.

  • MU/Extension: November 20, 2014
  • UMKC: February 23, 2015
  • Missouri S&T: December 4, 2014
  • UMSL: December 9, 2014
  • Hospital: December 9, 2014



On-Site Visits

Date Range Details
October - Onward Continue scenario-based training and follow-up assessments
July - September Begin follow-up assessments
April - June

Beginning in March, the NCHERM visits focused on progress on implementation of best practices.

  • MU: April 30-May 1, 2015

Visits specifically geared toward athletics personnel are scheduled on the following dates:

  • MU: May 13, 2015
  • UMKC: May 19, 2015
  • Missouri S&T: April 27, 2015
  • UMSL: April 28, 2015
January - March

The NCHERM consultants focused their first set of on-site visits with a focus on assessment of intervention and prevention practices.

  • MU: January 21-22, 2015
  • UMKC: January 23, 2015
  • Missouri S&T: January 21-22, 2015
  • UMSL: January 23, 2015

Beginning in March, the NCHERM visits focused on progress on implementation of best practices.

  • UMKC: March 30-31, 2015
  • UMSL: March 30-31, 2015
November - December

The NCHERM consultants focused their first set of on-site visits with a focus on assessment of intervention and prevention practices.

  • MU: November 7, 2014; November 24-25, 2014
  • UMKC: December 8-9, 2014
  • Missouri S&T: November 12-13, 2014
  • UMSL: December 8-9, 2014



Strategic Funding

Date Range Details
October - Onward Finance tracks this strategic funding. System staff works with Title IX offices to adjust and strategize for FY2017.
July - September Finance tracks this strategic funding.
April - June

Each campus submitted Title IX funding proposals in early February. President Wolfe has announced additional investments with our goal of providing the necessary resources to prevent and address issues of sex discrimination, gender-based violence and mental health resources across our campuses.  Finance will track this strategic funding.


Campus Safety Tracking & Reporting

Date Range Details
October - Onward Case management software is implemented and is used in a standardized way across the Title IX offices. The Office of General Counsel tracks data and reports to inform work.
July - September System will finalize the implementation of case management software by August 1, 2015.
April - June

System begins work to implement case management software for Title IX and other discrimination cases. The software will enable Title IX teams to update cases, record evidence and document every phase of an investigation, creating a clear and complete trail of activity in one place.

January - March NCHERM consultants conducted an assessment of tracking mechanisms for Clery, Title IX and emergency management, as well as the status of our annual campus security reports



Climate Survey

Date Range Details
October - Onward The survey will generate benchmarks and baseline data which will guide future priorities and activities regarding students and sexual harassment & gender-based violence.
July - September Data analysis took place with the report of findings coming forward September 21, 2015.
April - July

The UM Custom survey was launched at UMKC, Missouri S&T, and UMSL on April 2, 2015; the survey data collection period will run April 2-30, 2015. The AAU survey was launched at MU on April 6, 2015; the survey data collection period will run April 6-27, 2015.

The AAU will analyze data from MU survey as follows:

  • Data collection: April 6-27
  • Data analysis: Summer 2015
  • Report of findings: Fall 2015

NCHERM and System staff will work with the Assessment Resource Center (ARC) to analyze data from UM Custom Survey in alignment with the timeline of the AAU survey.

January - March

The University is committed to becoming an exemplar of best practice in promoting a culture of respect and security. A significant piece of this commitment involves exploration of campus culture for students. The best way to get this information is to ask our students.

There are two surveys, the AAU Survey administered at MU and the UM Custom Survey administered at UMKC, Missouri S&T, and UMSL. The UM Custom Survey was designed by the NCHERM Group and is MU’s Assessment Resource Center (ARC), experts in assessment and evaluation.



Outreach & Engagement

Date Range Details
October - Onward Dialogue and engagement with university groups continue on an as-needed basis. Websites continue to be improved and updated.
July - September Dialogue and engagement with university groups continue on an as-needed basis. Websites continue to be improved and updated. A note from the Office of the President was sent to all employees notifying of the release of climate survey data on September 21.
April - June System staff engage in dialogue with university groups on an as-needed basis, with the exception of Title IX Coordinators, who continue to meet weekly. Websites continue to be improved and updated.
January - March

Prior to the implementation of Faculty as Accused and Staff as Accused policies, a significant amount of vetting with university groups took place. For more information, click here for our policy vetting schedule.

System staff continued engagement with university groups on a regular basis and provided regular System-wide Title IX updates. Websites continue to be improved and updated.

November - December

System staff engaged in dialogue with university groups on a regular basis:

  • Title IX Teams (coordination with Student Affairs via Title IX Coordinators) weekly and Chancellors biweekly (calendar frequency modified as milestones are achieved)
  • IFC, Provosts, HR Council, and General Officers monthly
  • Student leaders at critical milestones

Additionally, System staff provide regular System-wide Title IX updates with highlights of system-wide progress, implementation, successes, etc. Website improved and updated.


Note: This timeline is a work in progress. Many of the activities described here are contingent on the success of others; staff will therefore adjust and update the timeline as needed on a going-forward basis.

Reviewed 2024-08-08

Equity and Title IX

If you are in immediate danger, call 911.


If you need immediate assistance related to a sexual assault, call the 24/7 RAINN National Hotline at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673).