October 31, 2014
As we continue to progress in our Title IX efforts across the system, I thought it would be helpful for you to know the Title IX goals for the UM System this year. These goals will be achieved through the collaboration of our Title IX consultants, Office of General Counsel, campus Title IX offices and other campus offices (e.g. student affairs, academic affairs, finance, human resources).
2014-15 System Title IX Goals
- Address training gaps:
- Deliver one-time centralized training to ensure that all campuses receive the same information delivered from subject matter experts
- Provide mandated reporter training consistent with university policy
- Implement system and campus protocols and practices consistent with the recommendations of the Mental Health and Sexual Assault Task Force
- Revise system policies to ensure best practices for students, staff, and faculty
- Assess prevention efforts across the system, determine areas of strength and opportunities for continuous improvement and implement best practices
- Assess current state of campus climate and baseline metrics related to reporting, investigations and adjudication (e.g. focus groups, climate survey)
- Support the campus Title IX offices as they develop campus infrastructure, broad-based outreach, prevention curriculum, and protocols
- Plan and implement initial stage of communication strategy
Equity Resolution Panel Training
We have just finished another week of centralized training for those who will serve on the campus Equity Resolution Panels or as appellate officers. We had approximately 70 highly engaged and participatory panel members walk through Executive Order 41 as well as learn how to best operationalize our new process when a student or student organization is accused of discrimination.
Title IX Strategic Funding
Daniel Swinton and I have worked closely with the Title IX coordinators and notified the system and campus fiscal officers regarding the system funding recommendations and priorities. The campuses will now work to develop an integrated implementation plan due December 1.
IFC meets the NCHERM Group
On November 6, a subcommittee of the Intercampus Faculty Council will meet with the General Counsel’s office and Daniel Swinton to discuss Title IX, VAWA and Clery and the intersection with university policies dealing with faculty as the accused. The IFC subcommittee is expected to make recommendations to President Wolfe in January.
UM System Title IX Website
A friendly reminder that the UM System Title IX website, www.umsystem.edu/TitleIX provides a centralized location for Title IX information and complements campus’ Title IX websites. If you have questions regarding the website or would like to see additional information included, please contact Emily Love, project coordinator at loveEE@umsystem.edu.
The campus websites can be found at:
MU http://title9.missouri.edu
UMKC http://www.umkc.edu/hr/TitleIX/default.asp
Missouri S&T http://titleix.mst.edu
UMSL http://www.umsl.edu/~oeo/titleIX/index.html
Deborah S. Noble-Triplett, Ph.D.
Assistant Vice President
University of Missouri System