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Police Department

Audio/Video Recordings

Audio and visual recordings of facility, vehicle or officer security unless associated with an active case, court appeal or litigation.  This also includes voice recordings made for requests for dispatch, booking surveillance, body camera video, license plate readers, etc.  

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Civil Forfeiture Records

These records are obtained from the civil forfeiture process outlined in departmental policy and procedure.

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Confidential Fund and Informant Files

This series of records contains confidential informant files, as well as logs and receipts of confidential funds as outlined in departmental policy.  Do not destroy if associated with an active case or court appeal.  

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Criminal History Files and Dissemination Logs

These records contain all positive criminal histories ran through the current state or federal crime databases.  In addition, these records are logs of who ordered the criminal history, what officer ran the criminal history, the results of the criminal history, the pedigree information on the subject the history was run on, and indicates if copies were made.    

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Early Warning Activation and Recommendations

These records and files are associated with the early warning system to assist departmental personnel with potential problems before they grow into larger issues for the department and/or the employee.

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Equipment Maintenance Records

Records of equipment and instrument usage and testing logs.   Examples include, but are not limited to, breath test instruments, tuning fork test logs, speed device testing and maintenance, voice stress test logs and analysis and data master permit applications.  

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Firearm Storage

These are records of firearms stored by the department for the community.

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Intelligence Files

Criminal intelligence files that monitor criminal activity.  These files operate under the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act guidelines that govern criminal intelligence systems. 

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Internal Affairs Investigation Files

These records are complaints of employee behavior either illegal, in violation of policy and procedures, unethical, and/or unprofessional.  A copy of any related discipline files (if indicated) will be sent to HR for the employee's personnel file.   

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Jeanne Clery Act Releases and Report Files

This group of files are reports on Jeanne Clery Act (Part 1) reportable incidents. They consist of daily, monthly, annual divisional reports and Daily Activity Report (Blotter) that include, but are not limited to: crimes reported, arrests reported, investigation incidents, vehicular accidents, general reports, injury illness, etc. They may also include progressive investigation, supplemental, and follow-up reports.

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Lost and Found

These records are logs of lost and found property and its disposition.

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Missing Person Files - Closed Cases

This series of records contains all missing or endangered persons made by the department.

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Missing Person Files - Open Cases

These files contain records of offense report investigations on missing persons.  These records are permanent until the missing person has been located.  

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Offense Report Investigations

This set of records contains reports of a crime and/or criminal activity

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Preliminary Reports

This group of records consists of bulletins of information read during roll call meetings and board postings. They include but are not limited to "close watch and passing" of a specific area, building or special event.

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Pursuit and Use of Force - Injury Occurred

These files contain records of pursuits involving departmental law enforcement officers where injury, death, and/or policy concerns occurred.  

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Pursuit and Use of Force - No Injury

These records document departmental use of force actions against an individual(s) where no injury, death, and/or policy concerns occurred.  

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Security Officer Logs

These records are daily logs notating guard/officer activities and the security of campus buildings and structures.  

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Shift Assignments and Weight Room Logs

These records document shift assignments of staff and departmental weight training facility logs.

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Stolen Article, Vehicle and Property Files

This group of records consists of information entered into the National Crime Information Center database for all stolen vehicles, license plates, and/or property. The National Crime Information Center database or Missouri Uniform Law Enforcement System (MULES) are the official systems of record for stolen property.    

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Stolen Gun Files

These records document all stolen or missing guns entered into state or national crime systems.  If the gun is not recovered, retain the record permanently.

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Traffic Stop and Racial Profiling Reports

These records are traffic stop information forms provided by the State Attorney General's office for compiling racial profiling statistics that are completed by officers after a traffic stop. They also include copies of the racial profiling reports. 

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Uniform Citation and Parking Ticket Logs

These records document the logs of issued uniform citations and parking tickets.

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Vehicle Tow Reports

This group of records documents the towing of a vehicle ordered by a department.

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Warrant File Entries

These records include a copy of the warrant, the confirmation request to the originating agency, the confirmation received from the originating agency and the location on the warrant.

Retention period is:

75 Years for a Class A Felony; 3 Years for a Class B Felony; 1 Year for a Misdemeanor

Files may be destroyed immediately if recalled by the court or served.

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Wetterling Act Notifications

These records are required by the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexual Violent Offender Registration Act (US Code: 14071) for crimes committed against children and include the registration of sexual offenders. 

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