Timothy Baumann, Anthropology
UM-St. Louis
Oak Grove Plantation
Ann Corry, Dental Public Health
UM-Kansas City
Bibliometric Analysis of Dental Citations and Cited Wor
Stephen Ferris, Finance
Online Trading
Ronald Friedman, Psychological Sciences
Influences of Motivational Tactics on Performance
Louis Gerteis, History
UM-St. Louis
Virtual City Project
Michael Griffin, Psychology
UM-St. Louis
Psychophysiological Alterations in PTSD
Adam Hafdahl, Psychological Sciences
Big Five Quantitative Synthesis
Mark Houston, Marketing
The Impact of New Product Introductions on Shareholder
David Kimball, Political Science
UM-St. Louis
Explaining Unrecorded Votes in Elections
Peter Klein, Agricultural Economics
LBO Associations and the Future of Corporate Governance
Jonathan Krieckhaus, Political Science
Miracles and Debacles: The Politics of Economic Growth
Tamera Murdock, Educational Psychology
UM-Kansas City
The Influence of Context on Judgements about Cheating
V.A. Samaranayake, Mathematics & Statistics
The Relationship Between Substance Use and Employment
Lyman Sargent, Political Science
UM-St. Louis
New Zealand Utopianism
Jay Scribner, Educ. Leadership & Policy
Evaluating Missouri`s Alternative Certification Program
Marne Sherman, Psychology
UM-Kansas City
Cognitive Effects of Systemic Breast Cancer Treatments:
Ann Steffen, Psychology
UM-St. Louis
Skills Training for Dementia Caregivers:1 Year Outcomes
Wayne Wanta, Journalism
Visual Communication Research
Reviewed 2019-08-24