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President's Award for Outstanding Teaching

For a Ten-Year Career on a Missouri Campus


The Presidential Award for Outstanding Teaching recognizes outstanding teaching over a teaching career of no less than 10 years at a University of Missouri campus. The recipient may be asked to participate in future system or campus-wide teaching forums.

Previous Recipients
Year    Honoree Department Campus
2010 Frances "Dee" Montgomery Psychological Science Missouri S&T
2009 John E. Adams Professor of Chemistry UM-Columbia
2008 Kathleen Kilway Associate Professor of Chemistry UM-Kansas City
2007 Fred Willman Professor of Music UM-St. Louis
2006 Meera Chandrasekhar Professor of Physics UM-Columbia
2005 James Bogan Curator's Teaching Professor of Film and Art History UM-Rolla
2004 Mark R. Ryan Professor of Wildlife Conservation UM-Columbia
2003 Charles Wurrey Distinguished Teaching Professor of Chemistry UM-Kansas City
2002 Larry Gragg Professor of History UM-Rolla
2001 Ira J. Papick Professor of Mathematics UM-Columbia
2000 William B. Bondeson Department of Philosophy UM-Columbia
1999 Loren Nikolai Department of Accounting UM-Columbia
1998 James Carrel Department of Biology UM-Columbia
1997 Donald Askeland Department of Metallurgical Engineering UM-Rolla
1996 Thomas J. Freeman Department of Geological Sciences UM-Columbia
1995 Leonard Koederitz Department of Geological and Petroleum Engineering UM-Rolla
1994 Janet C. Berlo Department of Art UM-St. Louis
1993 Jack B. Ridley Department of History and Political Science UM-Rolla
1992 Glenn H. Eberhart Department of Pharmacology UM-Kansas City
1991 Charles R. Granger Department of Biology UM-St. Louis

Reviewed 2019-08-24