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Archival Review

Accreditation Records

These records include University, college or department files that document accreditation review by accrediting agencies.  Examples of these records may include:  correspondence and reports between academic departments and their accreditation organizations, accreditation standards and requirements, self-study reports and evaluations, faculty vitae, evaluation of the accrediting organization’s team reports, responses to the evaluation reports and literature on the accrediting organizations.   

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Alumni and Alumni Association Records

These are records held at the school, college or university level that include, but are not limited to, listing of alumni of the school or college, association constitutions and by-laws, minutes of association meetings, correspondence, materials on alumni, and newspaper clippings.  

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Annual Budget Publications/Books and Appropriations

These records are the official appropriation requests and budget books for each campus/system prepared by campus financial groups or by the University System Financial Office.  These are the official documents that indicate where funds were distributed and include final budget reports.  These records may also include the reports that document the allocation of State Appropriations.

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Audio-Visual Material, Photographs, Slides, and Scrapbooks

This series of records includes all forms of audio-visual material including audio tapes, video tapes, film and digital audio-visual files.  It also includes photographic material including prints, negatives, slides, scrapbooks and digital photos. 

Also included are memorabilia that document the history of events and concerts at athletic or University facilities.  

These records also include forms that grant University departments permission to use individual pictures, articles and statements, sound recordings, photographs, etc. in University publications, videos, television advertising, and other activities.  Attach releases to articles, photos and clippings prior to transfer to archives (if indicated).

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Awards and Honors

These records document the granting of special awards, honors, fellowships and scholarships which are given to University students, faculty and staff selected for outstanding work in academic, professional, or administrative areas.  Included in these records may be general correspondence concerning the awards, lists of candidates submitted, copies of official announcements, names of recipients and biographical information about them, guidelines and rules concerning the selection, purpose of awards, and Board of Curators action if taken, presentation details, publicity clippings, photographs, etc.  

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Committees, Boards, Faculty and Staff Meeting Minutes and Agendas (Official Copy)

These files include all records relating to University committees, boards or task forces that function on a continuing bases or are appointed for a specific purpose such as event celebration, search committees, computer systems, fund raiser, special projects, etc., of the University upon which faculty, staff or students serve as members. Files may consist of meeting notices, agendas, reports to and of committees, rulings of and policies established by the committee, correspondence, etc.  The copy of record is held by the committee secretary or committee chair when there is no committee secretary.  

This records category also applies to all official faculty and staff meetings at the department level or above and to all Board of Curators meetings and agendas.

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Course Materials, Curriculum and Syllabi

These records contain materials used in the teaching of courses.  They include, but are not limited to, lecture notes, lesson plans, sample tests, hand-out materials, correspondence related to course, copies of syllabi, permission to reprint, course descriptions, outlines, bibliographies, study guides, etc. for each course offered.  Also include the request for approval to add, delete or change courses.

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Faculty Service, Activity, Promotion and Tenure Files

Faculty service, activity, promotion and tenure files including curriculum, third year teaching evaluations, syllabi, publications and bibliographies.  Faculty teaching evaluations from students do not need to be uploaded into the eHRFile, as well as any documents that are already saved in myVitae, eRecruit, PeopleSoft, or other approved Systems of Record.  A copy of the final decision letter of the Promotion and Tenure packet  should be placed in the faculty's personnel file.  

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FCC Licensure

These records are copies of licenses and renewals granted by the FCC to the TV station.  Also included are regulations and guidelines issued by the FCC, and correspondence with the legal firm that represents the University with the FCC.  Licenses are posted at the transmitter sites in Rolla, Missouri and Columbia, Missouri.

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Final Research Reports and Summaries Including Funded Grant History, Proposals and Reports

This group of records includes the final research report, the proposal, and possible correspondence.  The material transferred to Campus Archives should not include the detailed financial accounting information or logistics.  

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Fiscal Reports and Data

These University reports include, but are not limited to, such records as the Annual Financial Report and Supplemental Schedules, General Ledger Data, Auxiliary Enterprise Operating Statements, Fiscal Operations Report, and published/printed Appropriation Request and Budget Books, etc. 

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Foundation Records

These files document the administration of foundations established by the University to raise funds, provide prizes, awards and scholarships to students and alumni, and loans to students.  These records may include, but are not limited to: copies of legal documents (wills, etc.) correspondence, samples of solicitations for contributions, scholarship or fellowship recommendations and lists, loan applications, minutes of foundation meetings, lists of members, reports, etc.  

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General Records: Correspondence, Memoranda and Subject Files

General correspondence is considered to be any correspondence originated by or received by any employee or department of the University in the transaction of University business. These records include letters, telegrams, notes, directives, email, memoranda, reports and any other records, hard copy or electronic, original or copy, created or received as part of the communication process and which are normally kept by date, name of the individual, department or the organization that originated or received it. In addition, a copy of the email accounts of designated University leaders will be transferred to archives after termination or transfer to a non-Capstone position and following the release of any pending litigation.  

General subject files are those files set up by subject, topic, theme, committee appointment or other function where a series of documents cannot be filed or kept by any other single document characteristic. The files may include spreadsheets, notes, product brochures/catalogs retained for a specific purpose, reports, correspondence, etc. and typically document a significant action or interaction. 

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Historical Records and Memorabilia

Documents and other items that are 1) in and of themselves remarkable and memorable or pertain to remarkable and important persons or events in the history of the University; 2) useful in understanding the significance of the history of the institution, its actions, and its faculty, staff, and students; and/or 3) associated with or recall the history of the University.

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Institutional, Program, Departmental and Unit Histories with Organizational Charts

Documentation of the creation and evolvement of programs, institutions, departments and units should be transferred to campus archives for historical evaluation and should include organizational charts.  

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Jeanne Clery Act Releases and Report Files

This group of files are reports on Jeanne Clery Act (Part 1) reportable incidents. They consist of daily, monthly, annual divisional reports and Daily Activity Report (Blotter) that include, but are not limited to: crimes reported, arrests reported, investigation incidents, vehicular accidents, general reports, injury illness, etc. They may also include progressive investigation, supplemental, and follow-up reports.

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Legal Files - Office of General Counsel

Office of General Counsel working files and records of legal cases and litigation involving the University, officials, employees, or departments.  Also included are documentation of counsel developing, requesting, responding to, or presenting opinions on legal matters directly related to the University.  This series includes responses to a court case where the ruling or decree sets a legal precedent affecting the University’s organization, programs, policies, or procedures. 

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Official Reports Including Annual and Audit Reports

A copy of all official reports must be sent to archives at the time of publication.  Examples of official reports include internal and external audits (both financial and management-type audits completed by the University's Internal Auditing function and external auditors), published Annual Reports, ad-hoc committee reports, etc. 

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Policies, Procedures, Directives and Rules

These records consist of the original directives, policies and procedures covering a wide variety of subjects that have been issued to schools, divisions and departments by various levels of administrative authority at the University.   The issuing authority is considered to be the holder of the official record and is responsible for sharing this information with their campus archivist(s).  All other copies are considered to be informational in nature. 

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Publications and Printed Material

These records include items produced in the course of business by the University, its staff, faculty, and students for educational and informational purposes. It includes, but is not limited to: newsletters, pamphlets, catalogs, yearbooks, directories, proceedings, programs, reports/annual reports, recruitment pieces, posters, brochures, flyers, manuals, cards, magazines, announcements, promotional material, publications, university maps, event programs including athletics, concerts, lectures, general graduation records, and any other material printed and/or published.

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Real Estate Contracts, Easements and Leases

These files are the copy of record of the purchase or sale of property to or by the University. They include: 1) correspondence offering properties for sale and relating to terms of purchase, 2) Realtor's appraisals, 3) copies of Board Recommendations, 4) copies of sales contracts, deeds of trust, abstracts, title insurance, and other such documents pertaining to the purchase/sale of property.

These files also include the copy of record for leases of property between the University and various other parties. Also included is correspondence regarding the terms of such leases and other related documents.

These are the copy of record for right of way deeds or easement agreements between the University and other parties, maps of land, and legal documents concerning obtaining easements.  

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Speeches, Presentations, Publicity and Press Releases

This records series applies to all speeches and presentations, press and publicity releases produced in the course of business by the University, its staff, and faculty.  

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Strategic Plan Records

These records consist of, but are not limited to, reports, correspondence, studies and background materials related to the development of strategic or long range plans prepared at all levels of the University.  Send one copy of the official plan to archives.

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Traffic Stop and Racial Profiling Reports

These records are traffic stop information forms provided by the State Attorney General's office for compiling racial profiling statistics that are completed by officers after a traffic stop. They also include copies of the racial profiling reports. 

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Union Records

This series documents negotiations and contractual agreements between the University and the bargaining unit; it is also used for labor relations planning. Records may include but are not limited to: union memorandum of understanding and amendments, tentative agreements, arbitrator’s recommendations, negotiation work notes, strike contingency plans, management counter proposals, negotiation updates,  newspaper clippings, press releases, research background material, employee classification printouts, Fair Share records, minutes, sound recordings, exhibits and reports of meetings, and related documentation and correspondence.

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University Association & Organization Records, Constitutions & By-Laws

These records consist of, but are not limited to, newsletters, membership list, literature on conference/organization, reports, surveys,  correspondence, meeting minutes, etc. of University associations and organizations and the involvement of faculty and staff.  Student associations and clubs are also included in this category.

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University Statistical Data

These records include statistical data not limited to:  Annual salary surveys, enrollment statistics, Affirmative Action/EEO reports including records of participation by minorities, correspondence, directives hiring procedures, reports, compliance requirements, summaries, enrollments, degree completions, student rankings, library statistics, and any other records that document a department's efforts in affirmative action, research funding, etc. 

Statistical records transferred to archives should be reports or summations of data rather than working data analysis or raw data.  

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