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110.020 Service and Use Fees

Executive Order No. 8, 10-1-70, Amended 12-23-70; Bd. Min. 11-21-80; Revised 10-1-98; Amended 6-29-23.

In accordance with the provisions of the Board of Curators Regulations, Section 110.010.J, the following Fees and Rules for applications thereof are hereby authorized.

  1. Service Fee -- A service fee may be established by any Chancellor or designee for all facilities, including both buildings and grounds, used or owned by the University for short courses, non-credit courses, conferences, seminars, symposia, colloquia, meetings, institutes, and activities similar in nature to these specified activities.
  2. Use Fee
    1. A use fee may be established by any Chancellor or designee for all facilities used or owned by the University, including both buildings and grounds, for those functions or activities for which such use fee is to be charged under this order.
    2. Such use fee, when otherwise applicable under University regulations, may be waived or modified only by the Chancellor or designee.
    3. Such use fee shall be collected by the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration or his or her representative.
    4. A written contract approved by the General Counsel shall be required for any facility requiring a use fee.
    5. Schedules of use fees shall be maintained and published by the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration or his or her representative.
  3. Application of Fees -- Who Shall Pay
    1. No Fee Shall be Charged
      1. For use of regularly assigned facilities for the use by students, faculty and staff for which the assignment is made under Section 110.010 B.1, B.2, B.3, or C.
      2. For duly recognized student organizations for normal activities. However, if the activity involves the charging of admission, the sale of anything, the solicitation of subscriptions or the collection of dues, or donations, or if the organization is engaged in any for-profit purpose or may declare a dividend; such activity requires the prior authorization of the Chancellor or designee.
      3. Ad hoc groups of students with written prior approval of the Chancellor or designee.
      4. Any advisory committee or board of the University.
      5. For outdoor space used for noncommercial expressive activity under Section 110.010.F.
    2. A Service Fee Shall Be Charged
      1. For a non-student group sponsored by or invited by an instructional or administrative division or department as a part of its educational program with approval of the dean or appropriate administrative officer.
      2. For nonstudent groups sponsored by a learned, educational, professional or scientific society for organizational or educational purposes when recommended by a dean or other appropriate administrative officer.
      3. All off campus University affiliated, sponsored or invited activities, if such fee would apply were such activity held on campus.
    3. A Use Fee Shall be Charged for Facilities
      1. For nonaffiliated, nonsponsored groups approved in accordance with Section 110.010 E.4.c.
      2. For any group or organization, including student, faculty or non-academic employees of the University:

        (1) Which is not specifically exempted under Section 110.020 C.1 hereof, or
        (2) Which charges admission to the function involved, or
        (3) If the activity involves sale of anything, the solicitation of subscriptions or the collection of dues, or donations, or
        (4) Which derives a financial profit, or
        (5) Which declares a dividend among its members.

  4. Scheduling of Facilities -- Facilities shall be scheduled in accordance with regulations established under Section 110.010.
  5. Student -- For the purpose of this rule, the definition of a student as defined by the Board of Curators shall be restricted to one who has paid the incidental fee established by the Board of Curators either on a full-time or part-time basis. Where an incidental fee has been established for a specific educational activity or program of study, persons enrolled shall be considered a student only for that activity or program.
  6. Special Services, Equipment, Labor or Materials -- Any request or requirement for special services, equipment, labor or materials, or for extraordinary cleaning or to repair any damage shall be furnished on a cost reimbursable basis in addition to any use fee or service fee.

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