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Meeting Center



January 23-24, 2003, Columbia, Missouri

Opening Meetings

Board of Curators Lunch with President Floyd

The Board of Curators and President Floyd met for lunch at 12:00 P.M., on Thursday, January 23, 2003 in the T.O. Wright Room (204) of the Reynolds Alumni Center, on the University of Missouri-Columbia campus. President for the lunch were the nine members of the Board of Curators, President Floyd, General Counsel Wright and Secretary Miller. No action was taken by the Board of Curators.

Board of Curators Meeting

An open meeting of the University of Missouri System Board of Curators was called to order at 2:05 P.M., on Thursday, January 23, 2003, in Columns Room 208C, Reynolds Alumni Center, on the University of Missouri-Columbia campus, pursuant to public notice given of said meeting. Connie Silverstein, President of the Board of Curators, presided over the meeting.


  • The Honorable Thomas E. Atkins, Curator
  • The Honorable Angela M. Bennett, J.D., Curator
  • The Honorable Mary L. James, Curator
  • The Honorable John A. Mathes, Curator
  • The Honorable M. Sean McGinnis, Curator
  • The Honorable Anne C. Ream, O.D., Curator
  • The Honorable Connie Hager Silverstein, Curator
  • The Honorable Cheryl D.S. Walker, Curator
  • The Honorable Don Walsworth, Curator
  • Miss Vicki M. Eller, Student Representative to the Board of Curators

Also Present

  • Dr. Elson S. Floyd, President
  • Mr. Ralph H. Caruso, Jr., Vice President for Information Systems
  • Dr. Donald H. Driemeier, Chancellor, UM-St. Louis
  • Dr. Martha W. Gilliland, Chancellor, UM-Kansas City
  • Mr. R. Kenneth Hutchinson, Vice President for Human Resources
  • Ms. Natalie “Nikki” Krawitz, Vice President for Finance and Administration
  • Dr. Stephen W. Lehmkuhle, Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Dr. Gary Thomas, Chancellor, UM-Kansas City
  • Dr. Ronald J. Turner, Executive Vice President and Director of Cooperative Extension
  • Dr. Richard L. Wallace, Chancellor, UM-Columbia
  • Mr. Marvin E. “Bunky” Wright, General Counsel
  • Mr. Philip Harrison, Assistant to the President
  • Dr. Eileen D. Heveron, Executive Director, Administrative Systems Project
  • Mr. Stephen C. Knorr, Assistant to the President for Federal Relations
  • Ms. Kathleen M. Miller, Secretary, Board of Curators
  • Dr. David R. Russell, Director, University Relations

It was moved by Curator Mathes, seconded by Curator Bennett, and carried unanimously, that the following Board of Curators Standing Committee appointments, effective January 23, 2003, be approved:

Standing Committees

  • Executive Committee
    • Mary L. James, Chair
    • Thomas E. Atkins
    • Angela M. Bennett, J.D.
    • Connie Hager Silverstein, ex officio
  • Academic and Student Affairs Committee
    • Angela M. Bennett, J.D., Chair
    • John A. Mathes
    • Anne C. Ream, O.D.
    • Vicki M. Eller, ex officio
  • Finance Committee
    • Anne C. Ream, O.D., Chair
    • Thomas E. Atkins
    • Cheryl D.S. Walker
  • Physical Facilities Committee
    • Thomas E. Atkins, Chair
    • Mary L. James
    • Anne C. Ream, O.D.
  • Resources and Planning Committee
    • M. Sean McGinnis, Chair
    • Mary L. James
    • Don Walsworth

It was moved by Curator James and seconded by Curator Ream, that there shall be a closed meeting with a closed record and closed vote of the Board of Curators, on Thursday, January 23, 2003, for consideration of:

  1. legal action, causes of action or litigation;
  2. leasing, purchase or sale of real estate;
  3. hiring, firing, disciplining or promotion of employees.

A roll call vote was taken with the following results:

  • Curator Atkins voted yes.
  • Curator Bennett voted yes.
  • Curator James voted yes.
  • Curator Mathes voted yes.
  • Curator McGinnis voted yes.
  • Curator Ream voted yes.
  • Curator Silverstein voted yes.
  • Curator Walker voted yes.
  • Curator Walsworth voted yes.

President Silverstein declared the motion carried unanimously.

The open meeting of the Board of Curators meeting recessed until Friday morning, January 24, 2003.

Resources and Planning Committee Meeting

Curator McGinnis convened a meeting of the Resources and Planning Committee at 2:06 P.M., on Thursday, January 23, 2003, in Columns Room 208C, Reynolds Alumni Center, on the University of Missouri-Columbia campus, pursuant to public notice given of said meeting.

  • Communication Strategy Steering Committee Status Report -- presented by Executive Vice President Turner (on file)

Curator McGinnis commented with respect to the tremendous number of contacts which would be available through former Curators in order to get the message across to the public and Jefferson City with respect to the plight of the University.

Statements from Curator Mathes concluded the meeting.

The Resources and Planning Committee was adjourned at 2:30 P.M., on January 23, 2003.

Academic and Student Affairs Committee Meeting

Curator Bennett convened a meeting of the Resources and Planning Committee at 2:40 P.M., on Thursday, January 23, 2003, in Columns Room 208C, Reynolds Alumni Center, on the University of Missouri-Columbia campus, pursuant to public notice given of said meeting.

It was moved by Curator Mathes and seconded by Curator Ream, that there shall be a closed meeting with a closed record and closed vote of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee of the Board of Curators, on January 23, 2003, for consideration of legal action, causes of action or litigation.
A roll call vote was called with the following result:

  • Curator Bennett voted yes.
  • Curator Mathes voted yes.
  • Curator Ream voted yes.

Curator Bennett declared the motion carried by unanimous vote.

The open meeting of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee was adjourned and a closed meeting was immediately convened.


The Honorable Thomas E. Atkins, Curator

The Honorable Angela M. Bennett, J.D., Curator

The Honorable Mary L. James, Curator

The Honorable John A. Mathes, Curator

The Honorable M. Sean McGinnis, Curator

The Honorable Anne C. Ream, O.D., Curator

The Honorable Connie Hager Silverstein, Curator

The Honorable Cheryl D.S. Walker, Curator

The Honorable Don Walsworth, Curator

Miss Vicki M. Eller, Student Representative to the Board of Curators

Also Present

  • Dr. Elson S. Floyd, President
  • Dr. Stephen W. Lehmkuhle, Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Dr. Richard L. Wallace, Chancellor, UM-Columbia
  • Mr. Marvin E. “Bunky” Wright, General Counsel
  • Ms. Kathleen M. Miller, Secretary, Board of Curators
  • Mr. Phil Hoskins, Counsel, UM
  • Dr. Brady Deaton, Provost, UM-Columbia
  • Suzanne T. Ortega, Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies, UM-Columbia

The Academic and Student Affairs Committee met in closed session to consider an academic appeal.

  • Appeal to the Board of Curators for the University of Missouri (on file)

At 2:55 P.M., Curator Bennett requested that everyone leave the room with the exception of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee and General Counsel Wright.

It was moved by Curator Mathes and seconded by Curator Ream that the Academic and Student Affairs Committee agree to recommend to the Board of Curators that the appeal of the student and the request of the student as contained in the appeal be denied.

A roll call vote was taken with the following result:

  • Curator Bennett voted yes.
  • Curator Mathes voted yes.
  • Curator Ream voted yes.

Curator Bennett declared the motion carried unanimously.

The meeting of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee was adjourned at 3:00 P.M., January 23, 2003.

Closed Meeting

Curator Silverstein convened a closed meeting of the Board of Curators at 3:15 P.M., on Thursday, January 23, 2003, in the Donrey Room (211), Reynolds Alumni Center, on the University of Missouri-Columbia campus, pursuant to public notice given of said meeting.


  • The Honorable Thomas E. Atkins, Curator
  • The Honorable Angela M. Bennett, J.D., Curator
  • The Honorable Mary L. James, Curator
  • The Honorable John A. Mathes, Curator
  • The Honorable M. Sean McGinnis, Curator
  • The Honorable Anne C. Ream, O.D., Curator
  • The Honorable Connie Hager Silverstein, Curator
  • The Honorable Cheryl D.S. Walker, Curator
  • The Honorable Don Walsworth, Curator
  • Miss Vicki Eller, Student Representative to the Board of Curators

Also Present

  • Dr. Elson S. Floyd, President
  • Dr. Donald H. Driemeier, Interim Chancellor, University of Missouri-St. Louis
  • Dr. Martha W. Gilliland, Chancellor, University of Missouri-Kansas City
  • Mr. R. Kenneth Hutchinson, Vice President for Human Resources
  • Ms. Natalie “Nikki” Krawitz, Vice President for Finance and Administration
  • Dr. Stephen W. Lehmkuhle, Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Dr. Richard L. Wallace, Chancellor, University of Missouri-Columbia
  • Mr. Marvin E. “Bunky” Wright, General Counsel
  • Ms. Kathleen M. Miller, Secretary, Board of Curators
  • Mr. Dennis Cesari, Associate Vice President for Management Services

The closed meeting was adjourned at 5:00 P.M., on Thursday, January 23, 2003.

Open Meeting

Curator Silverstein reconvened the open meeting of the Board of Curators at 9:05 A.M., on Friday, January 24, 2003, in the H. Richard Adams Conference Center, Vet Med Building, on the University of Missouri-Columbia campus, pursuant to public notice given of said meeting.


The Honorable Thomas E. Atkins, Curator

The Honorable Angela M. Bennett, J.D., Curator

The Honorable Mary L. James, Curator

The Honorable John A. Mathes, Curator

The Honorable M. Sean McGinnis, Curator

The Honorable Anne C. Ream, O.D., Curator

The Honorable Connie Hager Silverstein, Curator

The Honorable Cheryl D.S. Walker, Curator

The Honorable Don Walsworth, Curator

Miss Vicki Eller, Student Representative to the Board of Curators

Also Present

Dr. Elson S. Floyd, President

Mr. Ralph H. Caruso, Jr., Vice President for Information Systems

Dr. Donald H. Driemeier, Chancellor, UM-St. Louis

Dr. Martha W. Gilliland, Chancellor, UM-Kansas City

Mr. R. Kenneth Hutchinson, Vice President for Human Resources

Ms. Natalie “Nikki” Krawitz, Vice President for Finance and Administration

Dr. Stephen W. Lehmkuhle, Vice President for Academic Affairs

Dr. Gary Thomas, Chancellor, UM-Kansas City

Dr. Ronald J. Turner, Executive Vice President and Director of Cooperative Extension

Dr. Richard L. Wallace, Chancellor, UM-Columbia

Mr. Marvin E. “Bunky” Wright, General Counsel

Mr. Philip Harrison, Assistant to the President

Dr. Eileen D. Heveron, Executive Director, Administrative Systems Project

Mr. Stephen C. Knorr, Assistant to the President for Federal Relations

Ms. Kathleen M. Miller, Secretary, Board of Curators

Dr. David R. Russell, Director, University Relations

Mr. Jim Snider, Assistant to the President for State Governmental Relations

Media Representatives

The following articles were provided to members of the Board of Curators and Dr. Floyd by Curator Silverstein (on file):

  • Show Me the Money: Budget-Cutting Strategies For Cash-Strapped States, by William D. Eggers, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute for Policy Research & Director, Deloitte Research
  • Getting Better Now: The National Collaborative for Postsecondary Education Policy 
  • Board President’s Report - Curator Connie Silverstein (report on file)
  • University President’s Report - Dr. Elson Floyd (no report on file)

It was moved by Curator McGinnis, seconded by Curator Bennett, and carried, that the following resolution recognizing the outstanding service of Curator Malaika B. Horne, Ph.D., be approved:


WHEREAS, Malaika B. Horne, Ph.D., served the people of Missouri with distinction as a member of the University of Missouri System Board of Curators from September 22, 1994, through January 7, 2003; and

WHEREAS, Curator Horne served as Vice President of the Board from January 1, 1996, through December 31, 1996, and as President of the Board from January 1, 1997, through December 31, 1997; and

WHEREAS, during her tenure on the Board, she chaired the Executive Committee, as well as committees on Resources and Planning and Academic and Student Affairs, and served on the committees for Finance, Telecommunication Technology, Information and Technology, Health Sciences and both the 1997 and 2002 Presidential Succession Committees; and

WHEREAS, she was instrumental in establishing and naming the Lloyd L. Gaines-Marian O’Fallon Oldham Black Culture Center at UM-Columbia; and

WHEREAS, her term as president was characterized by a commitment to ensuring broad access to the University’s educational and other resources so as to best meet the state’s economic, social and cultural needs; and

WHEREAS, during her presidency, the University crafted its first Mission Enhancement request for additional state funding to help the University better fulfill its teaching, research and service missions; and

WHEREAS, as a member of the K-16 Task Force she helped generate policy proposals to improve education at all levels throughout Missouri; and

WHEREAS, Curator Horne was instrumental both in enhancing the Office of Secretary to the Board of Curators to properly reflect its broadened range of responsibilities in the 21st century and in hiring Kathleen M. Miller to serve as the Secretary to the Board; and

WHEREAS, Curator Horne’s tenure on the Board was characterized by a steady, measured approach to problem solving; a personal commitment to keeping public higher education affordable and accessible; and a deep and abiding love for her alma mater:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Curators, on behalf of the students, faculty, staff and alumni of the University of Missouri System, and on behalf of the citizens of the State of Missouri, does hereby adopt this resolution in sincere appreciation of the dedicated and devoted service of Malaika B. Horne, Ph.D.;

AND ALSO, that her future relations with the University of Missouri System be formally recognized by bestowing the title of “Curator Emeritus” upon Malaika B. Horne, Ph.D.; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Secretary to the Board of Curators cause this resolution to be spread upon the minutes of this meeting and that a duly inscribed copy thereof be furnished to Malaika B. Horne, Ph.D.

It was moved by Curator Atkins, seconded by Curator Bennett, and carried, that the following resolution recognizing the outstanding service of Curator Paul W. Steele, be approved:


WHEREAS, Paul W. Steele served the people of Missouri with distinction as a member of the University of Missouri Board of Curators from January 29, 1997, through January 7, 2003; and

WHEREAS, Curator Steele served as Vice President of the Board from January 1, 2000, through December 31, 2000, and as President of the Board from January 1, 2001, through December 31, 2001; and

WHEREAS, during his tenure on the Board, he chaired the Finance Committee, the Physical Facilities Committee, the 2002 Presidential Succession Committee, and the Executive Committee, and also served on the committees for Academic and Student Affairs, Resources and Planning, and Information and Technology, as well as the 1997 Presidential Succession Committee; and

WHEREAS, during his presidency, the Board approved a revised UM Strategic Plan that clearly articulated the University’s direction and brought into focus key areas that influence the University’s performance; and

WHEREAS, the revised strategic plan was of significant benefit in helping the University retain its focus on the critical missions of teaching, research and service during a period marked by reductions in state support for public higher education; and

WHEREAS, during his term as president, the Board improved accountability by adopting parental notification guidelines and a post-tenure review policy; and

WHEREAS, at his suggestion, each of the University’s four campuses reviewed space utilization policies to ensure that their facilities are used in the most efficient manner possible; and

WHEREAS, the University successfully secured funding for a new Life Sciences Center at UM-Columbia at a time when state appropriations were being withheld for most capital projects; and

WHEREAS, Curator Steele’s tenure on the Board was characterized by good humor, outstanding leadership and, most of all, deep and abiding gratitude for his alma mater, which he credits not only with changing his life for the better, but that of his family and generations of Missourians to come:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Curators, on behalf of the students, faculty, staff and alumni of the University of Missouri System, and on behalf of the citizens of the State of Missouri, does hereby adopt this resolution in sincere appreciation of the dedicated and devoted service of Paul W. Steele;

AND ALSO, that his future relations with the University of Missouri System be formally recognized by bestowing the title of “Curator Emeritus” upon Paul W. Steele; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Secretary to the Board of Curators cause this resolution to be spread upon the minutes of this meeting and that a duly inscribed copy thereof be furnished to Paul W. Steele.

UM-Columbia Student Achievement Presentations (brief student bios on file):

  • Ryan Kiernan
  • Jennifer Horst
  • Mora Thompson
  • Pritish Tosh
  • Alicia Miles

Curator Silverstein called a brief recess to provide an opportunity for Board members to meet the students.

The Board of Curators meeting reconvened at 10:15 A.M.

Consent Agenda

It was endorsed by President Floyd, moved by Curator Mathes, seconded by Curator Walker, and carried, that the following items be approved by consent agenda:

  • Item 1:
    • The minutes of the October 3, 2002 Board of Curators special meeting and the November 21-22, 2002 Board of Curators meeting, as on file with the Secretary.
  • Item 2:
    • The academic calendars for 2004-2005 as recommended by the Chancellors and provided by the UM-Columbia, UM-Rolla, UM-St. Louis and UM-Kansas City campuses, as on file with the Secretary.
  • Item 3:
    • The research proposals, as recommended by Vice President Lehmkuhle, for the Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Program Advisory Board, as on file with the Secretary.
  • Item 4:
    • The following members, as recommended by Vice President Lehmkuhle, for the Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Advisory Board for terms to begin January 1, 2003:
      • For a representative of the General Assembly: Vicky Riback Wilson, to replace Lana Ladd Baker, whose term in the legislature has ended.
      • For a nonrsearcher who is active in the Alzheimer’s Association: Carroll Rodriguez, to replace Judith Ann Hoss, whose term on the Board has expired.

It is also recommended that Karen J. Bame be reappointed as the Chair of the Advisory Board to serve a one-year term.

Finance Committee

It was recommended by Vice President Krawitz, endorsed by President Floyd, recommended by the Finance Committee, moved by Curator Ream, seconded by Curator Bennett, and carried, that the following action be approved:

  • that the Vice President for Finance and Administration be authorized to employ the firm of Deloitte & Touche LLP to provide audit services to the University of Missouri for a one-year term, for a fee of up to $385,000, plus expenses not to exceed $51,000.

It was recommended by the respective Chancellors, endorsed by President Floyd, recommended by the Finance Committee, moved by Curator Ream, seconded by Curator Atkins, and carried, that the following schedule of rates for the Student Activity, Facility and Health Services fees be approved, effective with the 2003 Summer Session:

Maximum Fees per Term (1)

  Present Rates Proposed Increase Proposed Rates Percent Increase
Regular Session
UMC Undergraduate $196.15 $15.50 $211.65 7.9%
UMC Undergraduate  $196.15 $15.50 $211.65 7.9%
UMC Graduate  196.30 15.51 211.81 7.9%
UMKC  206.46 88.84 295.30 43.0%
UMR Undergraduate (2)  250.49 116.36 356.85 42.5%
UMR Graduate  240.13 108.08 348.21 45.0%


326.64 39.04 365.68 12.0%
Summer Session


UMC Undergraduate  $119.65 $8.54 $128.19 7.1%
UMC Graduate  119.77 8.48 128.25 7.1%
UMKC  103.38 41.92 145.30 40.5%
UMR Undergraduate  100.96 47.62 148.58 47.2%
UMR Graduate  100.96 47.62 148.58 47.2%


163.32 19.52 182.84 12.0%

(1) Fees are assessed predominantly on a per credit hour basis with a plateau of 12 credit hours per semester and 6 credit hours per summer session.

(2) The winter semester rate excludes the yearbook fee.

It was recommended by the respective Chancellors, endorsed by President Floyd, recommended by the Finance Committee, moved by Curator Ream, seconded by Curator Mathes, and carried, that the attached schedule of rates for the Residence Halls and Family Student Housing at Columbia, Kansas City, Rolla and St. Louis, be approved, effective with the 2003 Summer Session, as on file with the minutes of this meeting.

It was recommended by Vice President Krawitz, endorsed by President Floyd, recommended by the Finance Committee, moved by Curator Ream, seconded by Curator Walker, and carried, that the $9 per credit hour educational fee surcharge for FY 2003, approved by the Board of Curators at its May 31, 2002 meeting, be permanently added to the educational fee base. (University of Missouri System Educational and Other Related Enrollment Fees Chart, 12/12/2002 Draft, on file with the minutes of this meeting.)

Physical Facilities Committee

Residential Life Plan, UMKC – introduced by Associate Vice President Dennis Cesari (UMKC’s Residential Life Plan: The Engaged Campus, December 17, 2002, on file) Bids are forthcoming, proposal expected for March 2003.

Residence Hall One/Residential College and Residence Hall Two, Schematic Design Report, UMR Project Number 32713, Mackey Mitchell Associates, January 2003, University of Missouri-Rolla – presented by Dick Kirchner, Architect, Mackey Mitchell Associates

It was recommended by Chancellor Thomas, endorsed by President Floyd, recommended by the Physical Facilities Committee, moved by Curator Atkins, seconded by Curator Ream, and carried, that the following action be approved:

  • that the Vice President for Finance and Administration be authorized to approve the schematic design prepared by Mackey Mitchell Associates, St. Louis, Missouri, for Residential Buildings One and Two, at the University of Missouri-Rolla.

Funding is from:

  • Residential Life Administration (MoCode R9265 Program R8766) $ 300,000
    Revenue Bonds 22,615,000
  • TOTAL $22,915,000

General Business

  • UM-Columbia Campus Achievement Presentations – presenters were introduced by Provost Brady Deaton (information folder on file)
  • Silvia S. Jurisson w/ Brandon Marcus Tilghman (MU Life Sciences Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program)
  • Barton Wechsler – Professor and Director of Harry S. Truman School of Public Affairs
  • Sandra K. Abell – (Professor of Science Education) Southwestern Bell Science Education Center
  • Randall Prather, Distinguished Professor of Reproductive Biotechnology, CAFNR – Pig Transgenics (Pig cloning)

It was moved by Curator Ream, seconded by Curator James, and carried, that the open meeting of the Board of Curator, January 23-24, 2003, be adjourned.

There being no further business to come before the Board of Curators in this open meeting, Curator Silverstein adjourned the meeting at 11:15 A.M., Friday, January 24, 2003.

Approved by the Board of Curators on April 1, 2003.

Kathleen M. Miller, Secretary

Board of Curators

Reviewed 2019-08-05