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December 11-12, 2003, Kansas City, Missouri

Open Meeting

Board of Curators dinner with President Floyd

  • Wednesday, December 10, 2003, 6:30 P.M., Crystal Room, Kansas City Club, 918 Baltimore Ave., Kansas City, Missouri


  • The Honorable Thomas E. Atkins, Curator
  • The Honorable Angela M. Bennett, J.D., Curator
  • The Honorable Mary L. James, Curator
  • The Honorable M. Sean McGinnis, Curator
  • The Honorable Anne C. Ream, O.D., Curator
  • The Honorable Connie Hager Silverstein, Curator
  • The Honorable Cheryl D.S. Walker, Curator
  • The Honorable Don Walsworth, Curator

Also Present

  • Dr. Elson S. Floyd, President
  • Mr. Marvin E. “Bunky” Wright, General Counsel
  • Miss Vicki M. Eller, Student Representative to the Board of Curators
  • Mr. Shawn Gebhardt, Student Representative to the Board of Curators
  • Ms. Kathleen M. Miller, Secretary, Board of Curators

No action was taken by the Board of Curators. The dinner concluded at 9:40 P.M.

New Curator Orientation

An orientation of the University of Missouri-Kansas City campus was provided to Curators Walker and Walsworth on Thursday morning, December 11, 2003. Minutes are on file.

Board of Curators Meeting

Curator Silverstein convened an open meeting of the University of Missouri Board of Curators at 1:00 P.M., on Thursday, December 11, 2003, in Pierson Auditorium, in the University Center, on the University of Missouri-Kansas City campus, pursuant to public notice given of said meeting. Connie Silverstein, President of the Board of Curators, presided over the meeting.


  • The Honorable Thomas E. Atkins, Curator
  • The Honorable Angela M. Bennett, J.D., Curator
  • The Honorable Marion H. Cairns, Curator
  • The Honorable Mary L. James, Curator
  • The Honorable M. Sean McGinnis, Curator
  • The Honorable Anne C. Ream, O.D., Curator
  • The Honorable Connie Hager Silverstein, Curator
  • The Honorable Cheryl D.S. Walker, Curator
  • The Honorable Don Walsworth, Curator

Also Present

  • Dr. Elson S. Floyd, President
  • Mr. Marvin E. “Bunky” Wright, General Counsel
  • Mr. Ralph H. Caruso, Jr., Vice President for Information Systems
  • Miss Vicki M. Eller, Student Representative to the Board of Curators
  • Mr. Shawn Gebhardt, Student Representative to the Board of Curators
  • Dr. Thomas George, Chancellor, UM-St. Louis
  • Dr. Martha W. Gilliland, Chancellor, UM-Kansas City
  • Mr. R. Kenneth Hutchinson, Vice President for Human Resources
  • Mr. Stephen C. Knorr, Vice President for Government Relations
  • Ms. Natalie “Nikki” Krawitz, Vice President for Finance and Administration
  • Dr. Stephen W. Lehmkuhle, Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Dr. Gary Thomas, Chancellor, UM-Kansas City
  • Dr. Ronald J. Turner, Executive Vice President and Director of Cooperative Extension
  • Dr. Richard L. Wallace, Chancellor, UM-Columbia
  • Mr. Philip Harrison, Assistant to the President
  • Ms. Kathleen M. Miller, Secretary, Board of Curators
  • Dr. David R. Russell, Director, University Relations
  • Media Representatives

General Business

Shawn Gebhardt was sworn in by Curator Silverstein as Student Representative to the Board of Curators.

  • Board President’s Report – Connie Hager Silverstein (transcription on file)
  • University President’s Report – Dr. Elson S. Floyd (transcription on file)

It was moved by Curator Bennett and seconded by Curator Walker, that there shall be a closed meeting with a closed record and closed vote of the Board of Curators, on Thursday, December 11, 2003, and as needed, on Friday, December 12, 2003, for consideration of:

1. legal action, causes of action or litigation;

2. leasing, purchase or sale of real estate;

3. hiring, firing, disciplining or promotion of employees.

Roll call vote:

  • Curator Atkins voted yes.
  • Curator Bennett voted yes.
  • Curator Cairns was not present for the vote.
  • Curator James voted yes.
  • Curator McGinnis voted yes.
  • Curator Ream voted yes.
  • Curator Silverstein voted yes.
  • Curator Walker voted yes.
  • Curator Walsworth voted yes.

President Silverstein declared the motion carried by a vote of 8 & 0.

Consent Agenda

It was endorsed by President Floyd, moved by Curator Walker, seconded by Curator Walsworth, and carried, that the following recommendations be approved by consent agenda:

  • Item No. 1 – that the minutes of the following Board of Curators meetings be approved as presented in the pages on file with the respective meetings.
    • October 16-17, 2003 Board of Curators meeting
    • October 30, 2003 Board of Curators Executive Committee meeting for the issuance of Systems Facilities Revenue Bonds
  • Item No. 2 – that the Vice President for Finance and Administration be authorized to revise the Collected Rules and Regulations, 70.060, to change the Consulting, Design, and Construction, section D. Codes and Standards to the following:
    • All facilities shall comply with the International Code Council (ICC) Codes. Codes and standards required by accreditation agencies will also be used unless the ICC requirements are more stringent. In the event that special design features and/or construction systems are not covered in the ICC codes, the applicable edition of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) family of standards and/or the NFPA 101 Life Safety Code shall be used.
    • Any changes are subject to approval by General Counsel.
  • Item No. 3 - that the research proposals approved by the Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Program Advisory Board be approved, as follows:
  • Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Research Program
    Proposals Recommended for Funding 2004
    • I. In Vivo Characterization of Amyloid Induced Neurite Alterations in a Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease.
      • $28,356
      • Robert Brendza
      • Washington University
    • II. The Involvement of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress In Alzheimer’s and Other Late-Age Onset Neuro-Degenerative Diseases.
      • $28,356
      • Antony Cooper
      • University of Missouri-Kansas City
    • III. Telephone-Based Skills Training for Male Dementia Caregivers.
      • $28,356
      • Judith Gant
      • University of Missouri-St. Louis
    • IV. Dementia, Cognitive Function, and Disability in a Population-Based Sample of African-Americans: A Preliminary Study.
      • $28,356
      • Theodore Malmstrom
      • St. Louis University
    • V. Novel Techetium-99m-Labeled Peptides for Imaging of Beta Amyloid Plaques in the Brain.
      • $28,356
      • Vijay Sharma
      • Washington University
    • VI. Role of the Conserved PAL Motif in Presenilin on Gamma-Secretase Complex Formation and Activity.
      • $28,356
      • Jun Wang
      • Washington University
    • VII. Effects of Alzheimer’s Diagnosis Disclosure In Vitro.
    • $28,356
    • Chenjie Xiong
    • Washington University
  • Total funding recommended $198,492
  • Item 4. - that the five new members and one returning member be approved for the Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Advisory Board for the six terms being vacated, as follows for terms to begin January 1, 2004:
    • For physicians who are active in research and care of patients: James Galvin and Laura Dugan, to replace David Holtzman and Joy Snider, whose terms expired this year
    • For nonphysicians engaged in research: Karen Bame, a reappointment, and Moshe Naveh-Benjamin, to replace Teresa Cooney, whose term expired this year
    • For a nonresearcher who is active in the Alzheimer’s Association: Joetta Coen, to replace Penny Braun, whose term expired this year
    • For a nonphysician providing care to patients: Beth Simpson, to replace JoEllen Wurth, whose term expired this year
  • Biographical materials on the five new nominees are available in the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

It is also recommended and that Karen J. Bame be reappointed as the Chair of the Advisory Board to serve a one-year term.

University of Missouri-Kansas City Student Achievement and Success Presentations

  • Michael Ramsey
  • Mary Cowherd
  • Geoffrey M. Gerling
  • Darin Martinez
  • Srija Charthamkudath
  • Garry D. Buycks, Jr.

Bio statements (on file)

The Board took a brief recess to meet and greet the student presenters.

Resources and Planning

  • Legislative Initiatives – presented by Vice President Knorr (remarks on file)
  1. Fiscal Year 2005 Appropriations Request for Operations*
  2. Fiscal Year 2005 Appropriations Request for Capital Projects*
  3. Life Sciences/Economic Development Capital Projects
  4. Missouri Life Sciences Endowed Chair Program
  5. Long-term Land Lease Resolution
Fiscal Year 2005 Appropriations Request for Operations

Core Funding: $388,738,932

New Items:

1) Cost to continue $31,600,000

2) Operating New & Renovated Facilities $6,015,230

3) Equity Funding $32,050,000

4) Life Sciences Initiative $7,600,000

5) Health Science Education $10,500,000

Total new items: $ 87,765,230

Total request for FY04-05 $476,504,162

Summary of Other Program Requests

State Appropriated Funds

  1. University Hospital & Clinics $9,348,343
  2. Ellis Fischel Cancer Center $4,430,752
  3. Missouri Rehabilitation Center $10,612,409
  4. Missouri Institute of Mental Health $2,412,543
  5. Missouri Kidney Program $4,213,596
  6. Missouri Research & Education Network (MOREnet) $18,168,617*
  7. Missouri Bibliographic & Information User System (MOBIUS) $681,366
  8. Alzheimer’s Program $383,900
  9. Spinal Cord Injury Fund $400,000
  10. State Seminary Fund $2,000,000
  11. State Historical Society of Missouri $967,808

*Includes $1,250,000 in one-time funds

It was recommended by Vice President Lehmkuhle, endorsed by President Floyd, recommended by the Resources and Planning Committee, moved by Curator McGinnis, seconded by Curator James, and carried, that the following action by approved:

  • that the mission statements for the University of Missouri System, the University of Missouri-Columbia, and the University of Missouri-Rolla be revised as proposed in the following statements. The University of Missouri-Kansas City, the University of Missouri-St. Louis, and the University Extension mission statements will have no revisions to their July 24, 1997 Board approved mission statements.
University of Missouri Mission Statement

(Proposed and Approved - December 11-12, 2003 Board of Curators Meeting)

The mission of the University of Missouri, as a land-grant university and Missouri’s only public research and doctoral-level institution, is to discover, disseminate, preserve, and apply knowledge. The university promotes learning by its students and lifelong learning by Missouri’s citizens, fosters innovation to support economic development, and advances the health, cultural, and social interests of the people of Missouri, the nation, and the world.

University of Missouri-Rolla Mission Statement

(Proposed and Approved - December 11-12, 2003 Board of Curators Meeting)

The University of Missouri-Rolla, Missouri’s Research Technological University, offers educational programs in major disciplines that are technology-based, technology-dependent, or complementary to these programs and is responsible for meeting Missouri’s need for engineering education. It is a premier source of leaders for our rapidly changing society – leaders able to identify and solve complex societal and technical challenges; to create, assimilate, synthesize and communicate knowledge; to work effectively as team members in diverse environments; to adapt to change through life-long learning; and to improve quality of life for the citizens of the state and nation.

UMR conducts nationally recognized research and develops and integrates new technologies in areas, which improve the well-being of our citizens. The university stimulates economic development by creating and disseminating knowledge, by providing an educated work force, by encouraging and providing continuing education for lifelong learning, and by fostering partnerships among university, industry, and government groups.

UMR emphasizes a broad range of educational and research programs with special emphasis on science and technology.

University of Missouri-Columbia Mission Statement

(Proposed and Approved - December 11-12, 2003 Board of Curators Meeting)

Our distinct mission, as Missouri’s only state-supported member of the Association of American Universities, is to provide all Missourians the benefits of a world-class research university. We are stewards and builders of a priceless state resource, a unique physical infrastructure and scholarly environment in which our tightly interlocked missions of teaching, research and service work together on behalf of all citizens. Students work side by side with some of the world’s best faculty to advance the arts and humanities, the sciences, and the professions. Scholarship and teaching are daily driven by a sense of public service – the obligation to produce and disseminate knowledge that will improve the quality of life in the state, the nation and the world.

Academic and Student Affairs

  • Chancellors’ Campus Report – each Chancellor provided a 10-minute report on campus achievements and challenges in 2003 and what are seen as priorities in 2004. (UM-Columbia slide presentation on file)

Physical Facilities and Management Services

It was recommended by Chancellor Wallace, endorsed by President Floyd, recommended by the Physical Facilities and Management Services Committee, moved by Curator Atkins, seconded by Curator Bennett, and carried, that the following action be approved:

  • that the Vice President for Finance and Administration be authorized to employ the firm of The Clark Enersen Partners, Kansas City, Missouri, for design services for the Swine Research and Resource Center at the University of Missouri-Columbia, for a programming fee not to exceed $22,880 and a design services fee of 9% of construction cost.

Funding is from:

  • NIH Grant Award $2,848,226
  • Veterinary Medicine Special Equipment (C3846) 424,113
  • College of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources (C0830) 424,113
  • Mission Enhancement Infrastructure Bonds (CE996) 2,000,000
  • TOTAL $5,696,452

It was recommended by Chancellor Gilliland, endorsed by President Floyd, recommended by the Physical Facilities and Management Services Committee, moved by Curator Atkins, seconded by Curator James, and carried, that the following action be approved:

  • that the schematic design prepared by The Clark Enersen Partners of Kansas City, Missouri, for the Health Sciences Building – Phase 1, at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, be approved.

Funding is from:

  • FY99 State Appropriations $ 100,000
  • FY01 State Appropriations 30,490,400
  • Campus/ HSB Phase 1 Development Goal 11,628,000
  • Campus/ Flarsheim Fund 2,000,000
  • TOTAL $44,218,400

Note: no funding codes provided

The Board of Curators open meeting adjourned for the day at 3:45 P.M., on Thursday, December 11, 2003.

Closed Meeting


  • The Honorable Thomas E. Atkins, Curator
  • The Honorable Angela M. Bennett, J.D., Curator
  • The Honorable Marion H. Cairns, Curator
  • The Honorable Mary L. James, Curator
  • The Honorable M. Sean McGinnis, Curator
  • The Honorable Anne C. Ream, O.D., Curator
  • The Honorable Connie Hager Silverstein, Curator
  • The Honorable Cheryl D.S. Walker, Curator
  • The Honorable Don Walsworth, Curator

Also Present

  • Dr. Elson S. Floyd, President
  • Mr. Marvin E. “Bunky” Wright, General Counsel
  • Miss Vicki M. Eller, Student Representative to the Board of Curators
  • Mr. Shawn Gebhardt, Student Representative to the Board of Curators
  • Ms. Natalie “Nikki” Krawitz, Vice President for Finance and Administration
  • Dr. Stephen W. Lehmkuhle, Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Dr. Richard L. Wallace, Chancellor, University of Missouri-Columbia
  • Ms. Kathleen M. Miller, Secretary, Board of Curators
  • Mr. Dennis Cesari, Associate Vice President for Management Services.

Curator Silverstein convened a closed meeting of the Board of Curators at 3:55 P.M., on Thursday, December 11, 2003, in the Chancellor’s Dining Room, University Center, on the University of Missouri-Kansas City campus, pursuant to public notice given of said meeting and by approval of resolution by the Board of Curators.

The closed meeting was adjourned at 5:00 P.M., on Thursday, December 11, 2003.

Open Meeting


  • The Honorable Thomas E. Atkins, Curator
  • The Honorable Angela M. Bennett, J.D., Curator
  • The Honorable Marion H. Cairns, Curator
  • The Honorable Mary L. James, Curator
  • The Honorable M. Sean McGinnis, Curator
  • The Honorable Anne C. Ream, O.D., Curator
  • The Honorable Connie Hager Silverstein, Curator
  • The Honorable Cheryl D.S. Walker, Curator
  • The Honorable Don Walsworth, Curator

Also Present

  • Dr. Elson S. Floyd, President
  • Mr. Marvin E. “Bunky” Wright, General Counsel
  • Miss Vicki M. Eller, Student Representative to the Board of Curators
  • Mr. Shawn Gebhardt, Student Representative to the Board of Curators
  • Mr. Ralph H. Caruso, Jr., Vice President for Information Systems
  • Dr. Thomas George, Chancellor, UM-St. Louis
  • Dr. Martha W. Gilliland, Chancellor, UM-Kansas City
  • Mr. R. Kenneth Hutchinson, Vice President for Human Resources
  • Mr. Stephen C. Knorr, Vice President for Government Relations
  • Ms. Natalie “Nikki” Krawitz, Vice President for Finance and Administration
  • Dr. Stephen W. Lehmkuhle, Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Dr. Gary Thomas, Chancellor, UM-Kansas City
  • Dr. Ronald J. Turner, Executive Vice President and Director of Cooperative Extension
  • Dr. Richard L. Wallace, Chancellor, UM-Columbia
  • Mr. Philip Harrison, Assistant to the President
  • Ms. Kathleen M. Miller, Secretary, Board of Curators
  • Dr. David R. Russell, Director, University Relations
  • Media Representatives

Curator Silverstein reconvened the open meeting of the University of Missouri Board of Curators at 9:05 A.M., on Friday, December 12, 2003, in Pierson Auditorium, University Center, on the University of Missouri-Kansas City campus, pursuant to public notice given of said meeting.

General Business

University of Missouri-Kansas City Faculty and Staff Achievements and Success Presentations

  • Ellen Suni, School of Law
  • Bibie Chronwall, School of Biological Sciences
  • James Mobberley, Conservatory of Music
  • Joe Seabrooks, Diversity in Action
  • Wayne Vaught, School of Arts and Sciences and School of Medicine

Faculty and Staff bios on file

Finance and Human Resources

  • MU Health Care Report, December 11-12, 2003 – presented by David Coats, Consultant, The Hunter Group (on file)
  • University of Missouri Health Care Condensed Financial Performance Report 4 months ended October, 2003 (on file)
  • Missouri Rehabilitation Center – presentation folder on file

General Business

It was moved by Curator Bennett, seconded by Curator Walker, and carried, that the following resolution for Vicki Marie Eller, in recognition of her outstanding service to the University of Missouri, be approved:


WHEREAS, Vicki M. Eller served her constituents with distinction as the Student Representative to the Board of Curators from March 14, 2002, until December 04, 2003; and

WHEREAS, during her term of office she effectively represented the diverse interests of students from the four campuses of the University of Missouri; and

WHEREAS, she was an eloquent spokesperson on behalf of students during deliberations of the Board of Curators, as an ex officio member of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee, and as a participant in Board development sessions; and

WHEREAS, she championed the viewpoint of students during national searches for a new President for the University of Missouri System and a new Chancellor for the University of Missouri-St. Louis; and

WHEREAS, she demonstrated an impressive ability to balance the needs of her student constituents with the needs of the entire University, encourage dialogue on challenging issues, and promote the exchange of ideas; and

WHEREAS, she also was instrumental in coordinating presentations to the Board that focused on the many successes and achievements of University of Missouri students; and

WHEREAS, as Student Representative to the Board of Curators she consistently exhibited exceptional insight, sound judgment, and appreciation for diverse points of view:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Curators, on behalf of the students, faculty, staff and alumni of the University of Missouri System, and on behalf of the citizens of the State of Missouri, does hereby adopt this resolution in appreciation of the dedicated and devoted service of Vicki M. Eller; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Secretary to the Board of Curators cause this resolution to be spread upon the minutes of this meeting and a duly inscribed copy thereof be furnished to Vicki Marie Eller.

Curator Cairns nominated Curator James to serve as President of the Board of Curators for the term January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004. Curator Walsworth seconded the nomination. The motion carried.

Curator Walsworth nominated Curator Atkins to serve as Vice President of the Board of Curators for the term January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004. Curator Walker seconded the nomination. The motion carried.

There being no further business to come before the Board of Curators in the open meeting, Curator Silverstein declared the meeting adjourned at 10:30 A.M., Friday, December 12, 2003.

Closed Meeting


  • The Honorable Thomas E. Atkins, Curator
  • The Honorable Angela M. Bennett, J.D., Curator
  • The Honorable Marion H. Cairns, Curator
  • The Honorable Mary L. James, Curator
  • The Honorable M. Sean McGinnis, Curator
  • The Honorable Anne C. Ream, O.D., Curator
  • The Honorable Connie Hager Silverstein, Curator
  • The Honorable Cheryl D.S. Walker, Curator
  • The Honorable Don Walsworth, Curator

Curator Silverstein convened a closed meeting of the Board of Curators at 10:45 A.M., on Friday, December 12, 2003, in the Chancellor’s Dining Room, University Center, on the University of Missouri-Kansas City campus, upon approval of resolution by the Board of Curators and pursuant to public notice given of said meeting.

The closed meeting was adjourned at 11:20 A.M., on Friday, December 12, 2003.

Approved by the Board of Curators on January 29, 2004.

Kathleen M. Miller, Secretary

Reviewed 2019-08-05