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Web Header Bar Templates

Web Header Bar Templates

The following Web header bar templates are designed for use with sites that required a University of Missouri System brand.  Ideally, it is recommended that you contact to associate your site with an existing website, or request a new site in its entirety that adheres to branding and security recommendations.

Wherever possible, the exact code provided here should be used. You will need to copy the image files and stylesheets to your server in order to avoid having warning messages appear for end-users.

Flexible width (Preferred format)

You may obtain the code for the header bar at the following location.

Insert this code immediately after the <body> tag. Please ensure page margins are set to 0 when using this option (if your design requires margins, wrap your content it a unique <div> that controls the margins of your content but not the header bar).

<!--Start UMS Header Bar-->

<div class="umsheader"><div class="umsheaderlogo"><a href=""><img src="/images/blank.gif" class="umsheaderlink" alt="Link to University of Missouri System home page" /></a></div>                

<div class="umsheaderadvmolink"><a href="/about-us"><img src="images/ums-link-logo.png" /></a></div></div>

<!--End UMS Header Bar-->

Reviewed 2020-10-02