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Meeting Center



July 24-25, 2003, Columbia, Missouri

Open Meetings

Board of Curators Dinner with President Floyd

  • Wednesday, July 23, 2003, Providence Point, Columbia, MO, 7:00 to 9:30 P.M.
  • Attending: All nine members of the Board of Curators, President Floyd, Vicki Marie Eller

No action was taken by the Board of Curators.

New Curator Orientation

  • 8:00 A.M. - MU Health Care (Curators Cairns, Walker, Walsworth)
  • 12:30 P.M. - Physical Facilities and Management Services (Curator Cairns, Curator Walker and Curator Walsworth)
  • 12:30 P.M. MU Life Sciences (previously presented to new Curators, on this occasion presented for the benefit of veteran Curators)

Board of Curators Meeting

Curator Silverstein convened an open meeting of the University of Missouri Board of Curators at 2:30 P.M., on Thursday, July 24, 2003, in the H. Richard Adams Conference Center of the Veterinary Medicine Building, on the University of Missouri-Columbia campus, pursuant to public notice given of said meeting. Connie Silverstein, President of the Board of Curators, presided over the meeting.


  • The Honorable Thomas E. Atkins, Curator
  • The Honorable Angela M. Bennett, J.D., Curator
  • The Honorable Marion H. Cairns, Curator
  • The Honorable Mary L. James, Curator
  • The Honorable M. Sean McGinnis, Curator
  • The Honorable Anne C. Ream, O.D., Curator
  • The Honorable Connie Hager Silverstein, Curator
  • The Honorable Cheryl D.S. Walker, Curator
  • The Honorable Don Walsworth, Curator
  • Miss Vicki M. Eller, Student Representative to the Board of Curators

Also Present

  • Dr. Elson S. Floyd, President
  • Mr. Ralph H. Caruso, Jr., Vice President for Information Systems
  • Dr. Donald H. Driemeier, Interim Chancellor, UM-St. Louis
  • Dr. Martha W. Gilliland, Chancellor, UM-Kansas City
  • Mr. R. Kenneth Hutchinson, Vice President for Human Resources
  • Ms. Natalie “Nikki” Krawitz, Vice President for Finance and Administration
  • Dr. Stephen W. Lehmkuhle, Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Dr. Gary Thomas, Chancellor, UM-Kansas City
  • Dr. Ronald J. Turner, Executive Vice President and Director of Cooperative Extension
  • Dr. Richard L. Wallace, Chancellor, UM-Columbia
  • Mr. Marvin E. “Bunky” Wright, General Counsel
  • Mr. Philip Harrison, Assistant to the President
  • Mr. Stephen Knorr, Assistant to the President for Governmental Relations
  • Ms. Kathleen M. Miller, Secretary, Board of Curators
  • Dr. David R. Russell, Director, University Relations
  • Mr. Jim Snider, Assistant to the President for State Governmental Relations
  • Media Representatives

General Business

  • Board President’s Report – Connie Hager Silverstein (transcript of remarks on file)
  • Conference Phone Call – The Board of Curators and Dr. Floyd spoke to a member of the University of Missouri-Rolla Solar Car Team to convey their congratulations on the first place victory in the 2003 Solar Car Competition (news article on file).
    • Chancellor Gary Thomas spoke on the student and campus achievement. The video clip of the UM-Rolla Solar Team appearance on the TODAY show was shown. (Video clip on file with the Office of the Chancellor, UM-Rolla.)

Resources and Planning Committee

  • 2003 Budget Report – Missouri’s Budget Problem: Causes and Possible Solutions
    Guest Speaker: Jim Moody, James R. Moody & Associates
    States spending on higher education (table on file)
  • Resource Allocation Principles (Draft) – University of Missouri Framework for Identifying Resource Allocation Principles – presented by Vice President Krawitz
  • Resource Requirements Model for the University of Missouri System (Draft) – presented by Vice President Krawitz

15-Minute recess, 4:45-5:00 P.M.

Academic and Student Affairs Committee

  • Faculty Workload and Instructional Workload Policy Report – presented by Vice President Lehmkuhle

The meeting concluded for Thursday, July 24, 2003 at 5:45 P.M.; scheduled to reconvene with a Board development session at 7:30 A.M., on Friday, July 25, 2003.

Open Meeting


  • The Honorable Thomas E. Atkins, Curator
  • The Honorable Angela M. Bennett, J.D., Curator
  • The Honorable Marion H. Cairns, Curator
  • The Honorable Mary L. James, Curator
  • The Honorable M. Sean McGinnis, Curator
  • The Honorable Anne C. Ream, O.D., Curator
  • The Honorable Connie Hager Silverstein, Curator
  • The Honorable Cheryl D.S. Walker, Curator
  • The Honorable Don Walsworth, Curator
  • Miss Vicki M. Eller, Student Representative to the Board of Curators

Also Present

  • Dr. Elson S. Floyd, President
  • Mr. Ralph H. Caruso, Jr., Vice President for Information Systems
  • Dr. Donald H. Driemeier, Interim Chancellor, UM-St. Louis
  • Mr. R. Kenneth Hutchinson, Vice President for Human Resources
  • Ms. Natalie “Nikki” Krawitz, Vice President for Finance and Administration
  • Dr. Stephen W. Lehmkuhle, Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Dr. Gary Thomas, Chancellor, UM-Kansas City
  • Dr. Ronald J. Turner, Executive Vice President and Director of Cooperative Extension
  • Dr. Richard L. Wallace, Chancellor, UM-Columbia
  • Mr. Marvin E. “Bunky” Wright, General Counsel
  • Mr. Philip Harrison, Assistant to the President
  • Ms. Kathleen M. Miller, Secretary, Board of Curators
  • Dr. David R. Russell, Director, University Relations
  • Mr. Jim Snider, Assistant to the President for State Governmental Relations
  • Dr. Don Sievert, Observer, MU Faculty Council, University of Missouri-Columbia
  • Dr. Van Riedhead, Faculty Senate Chair, University of Missouri-St. Louis
  • Dr. Shirley Ort, Associate Provost, and Director of Scholarships and Student Aid, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Media Representatives

Curator Mary James convened a development session for the Board of Curators at 7:45 A.M., Friday, July 25, 2003, in the Columns Ballroom of the Reynolds Alumni Center, on the University of Missouri-Columbia campus, pursuant to public notice given of said meeting, introducing Dr. Shirley Ort as facilitator of a discussion on tuition policy. The session was adjourned at 9:15 A.M., Friday, July 25, 2003. A transcript of the presentation and discussion is on file with the minutes of this meeting.

Open Meeting


  • The Honorable Thomas E. Atkins, Curator
  • The Honorable Angela M. Bennett, J.D., Curator
  • The Honorable Marion H. Cairns, Curator
  • The Honorable Mary L. James, Curator
  • The Honorable M. Sean McGinnis, Curator
  • The Honorable Anne C. Ream, O.D., Curator
  • The Honorable Connie Hager Silverstein, Curator
  • The Honorable Cheryl D.S. Walker, Curator
  • The Honorable Don Walsworth, Curator
  • Miss Vicki M. Eller, Student Representative to the Board of Curators

Also Present

  • Dr. Elson S. Floyd, President
  • Mr. Ralph H. Caruso, Jr., Vice President for Information Systems
  • Dr. Donald H. Driemeier, Interim Chancellor, UM-St. Louis
  • Dr. Martha W. Gilliland, Chancellor, UM-Kansas City
  • Mr. R. Kenneth Hutchinson, Vice President for Human Resources
  • Ms. Natalie “Nikki” Krawitz, Vice President for Finance and Administration
  • Dr. Stephen W. Lehmkuhle, Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Dr. Gary Thomas, Chancellor, UM-Kansas City
  • Dr. Ronald J. Turner, Executive Vice President and Director of Cooperative Extension
  • Dr. Richard L. Wallace, Chancellor, UM-Columbia
  • Mr. Marvin E. “Bunky” Wright, General Counsel
  • Mr. Philip Harrison, Assistant to the President
  • Mr. Stephen Knorr, Assistant to the President for Governmental Relations
  • Ms. Kathleen M. Miller, Secretary, Board of Curators
  • Dr. David R. Russell, Director, University Relations
  • Mr. Jim Snider, Assistant to the President for State Governmental Relations
  • Media Representatives

Curator Silverstein convened an open meeting of the University of Missouri Board of Curators at 9:35 A.M., on Friday, July 25, 2003, in the H. Richard Adams Conference Center of the Veterinary Medicine Building, on the University of Missouri-Columbia campus, pursuant to public notice given of said meeting. Connie Silverstein, President of the Board of Curators, presided over the meeting.

  • University President’s Report – Elson S. Floyd, Ph.D. (transcript on file)

Consent Agenda

It was endorsed by President Floyd, moved by Curator Bennett, seconded by Curator Walker, and carried, that the following recommendations be approved by consent agenda:

  • Item No. 1 – that the minutes of the following Board of Curators meetings be approved as presented in the pages on file.
    • May 22-23, 2003 Board of Curators Meeting
    • July 8, 2003 Board of Curators Special Meeting
    • July 11, 2003 Board of Curators Special Meeting
  • Item No. 2 – that the excerpts of closed meeting minutes be approved as on file.
  • Item No. 3 – that the revision to the 2004 Board of Curators meeting calendar be approved allowing the May 27-28, 2004 Board of Curators meeting at UM-Kansas City to be rescheduled to May 26-27, 2004 at UM-Kansas City.
  • Item No. 5 – that the action of the President of the University of Missouri System in awarding degrees and certificates to candidates recommended by the various faculties and committees of the four University of Missouri System campuses who fulfill the requirements for such degrees and certificates at the end of the summer semester 2003, be approved, and that the lists of said students who have been awarded degrees and certificates be included in the records of this meeting.

Note: Item No. 4 – Revision to Collected Rules and Regulations, 300.010.H.2 Faculty Council, UMC, was pulled from the agenda at the request of the MU Faculty Council. The item was not considered by the Board of Curators and was not included in the vote on the consent agenda.

Finance and Human Resources Committee

  • Hunter Group Update, UM Health Care – presented by Mr. David Coats, Hunter Group Consultant
    - University of Missouri Health Care Financial Performance Dashboard, 11 Months Ended May, 2003 - on file
  • Hunter Group Update, July 24-25, 2003 - on file
  • Proposed Bond Issue and Refunding – presented by Vice President Krawitz

It was recommended by Vice President Krawitz, endorsed by President Floyd, recommended by the Finance Committee, moved by Curator Ream, seconded by Curator Walker, and carried, that the following recommendation be approved:

  • the President is authorized to file a request for state appropriations for operations of the University’s various programs in FY2005 to include the FY2003-FY2004 recurring appropriations plus the following:
    1. A cost to continue increase of 4.9% on the University’s total unrestricted educational and general budget, or approximately $52,700,000. Of this amount, $31,600,000 will be requested from the state.
    2. An increase of $6,015,230 in recurring funds for operation of new and renovated physical facilities.
    3. An increase of $32,050,000 to address the Funding Equity/Resource Gap Initiative.
    4. An increase of $7,600,000 for the Life Sciences Initiative.
    5. An increase of $10,500,000 for Health Science Education.
    6. A cost to continue increase in state appropriations of 4.9% for the Hospitals in the amount of $1,139,356
    7. A cost to continue increase in state appropriations of 4.9% for the Other Curator programs in the amount of $1,121,765.
    8. An increase of $1,179,000 in recurring funds for MOREnet for increased Internet capacity and $1,250,000 in non-recurring funds for network backbone equipment upgrades and E-Conferencing software licenses.
    9. Alzheimer’s Research Program funds for FY2005 in the amount stipulated by law, which is estimated at $383,900.
    10. Spinal Cord Injury Funds for FY2005 for research of spinal cord injuries of $400,000.
    11. State Seminary funding totaling $2,000,000 for investments and interest income.
  • Summary of FY2005 Appropriations Request – on file
  • FY2005 Appropriations Request for Operations – on file
  • Summary of Budget Planning Model and Results FY2004 to FY2008 – on file
  • University of Missouri Budget Planning Model, FY2004 to FY2008 Assuming Flat Appropriations for 5 years – on file

Physical Facilities and Management Services

  • Capital Plans, Fiscal Years 2004 and 2005 – presented by Associate Vice President Cesari

It was recommended by President Floyd, and by the Physical Facilities Committee, moved by Curator Atkins, seconded by Curator Ream, and carried, that the following action be approved:

  • that the President be authorized to submit to the appropriate State Offices the University of Missouri FY2005 State Capital Appropriations Request, as on file with the minutes of this meeting.
  • University of Missouri FY2005 Capital Appropriations Request, 14-Jul-03 - on file
  • FY2005 Capital Request Project Descriptions - on file
  • University of Missouri Preliminary Capital Appropriations Request FY2006 - on file
  • University of Missouri Preliminary Capital Appropriations Request FY2007 - on file
  • University of Missouri Preliminary Capital Appropriations Request FY2008 - on file
  • University of Missouri Preliminary Capital Appropriations Request FY2009 - on file
  • University of Missouri Preliminary Capital Appropriations Request FY2010 - on file

General Business

It was moved by Curator Walker and seconded by Curator James, that there shall be a closed meeting with a closed record and closed vote of the Board of Curators, on Friday, July 25, 2003, for consideration of:

  1. legal action, causes of action or litigation;
  2. leasing, purchase or sale of real estate;
  3. hiring, firing, disciplining or promotion of employees.

A roll call vote was taken with the following results:

  • Curator Atkins voted yes.
  • Curator Bennett voted yes.
  • Curator Cairns voted yes.
  • Curator James voted yes.
  • Curator McGinnis voted yes.
  • Curator Ream voted yes.
  • Curator Silverstein voted yes.
  • Curator Walker voted yes.
  • Curator Walsworth voted yes.

President Silverstein declared the motion carried unanimously.

It was moved by Curator Walsworth, seconded by Curator Ream, and carried, that the open meeting of the Board of Curators, July 24-25, 2003, be adjourned at 10:40 A.M., Friday, July 25, 2003.

Closed Meeting


  • The Honorable Thomas E. Atkins, Curator
  • The Honorable Angela M. Bennett, J.D., Curator
  • The Honorable Marion H. Cairns, Curator
  • The Honorable Mary L. James, Curator
  • The Honorable M. Sean McGinnis, Curator
  • The Honorable Anne C. Ream, O.D., Curator
  • The Honorable Connie Hager Silverstein, Curator
  • The Honorable Cheryl D.S. Walker, Curator
  • The Honorable Don Walsworth, Curator
  • Miss Vicki M. Eller, Student Representative to the Board of Curators

Also Present

  • Dr. Elson S. Floyd, President
  • Mr. Marvin E. “Bunky” Wright, General Counsel
  • Ms. Kathleen M. Miller, Secretary, Board of Curators
  • Ms. Natalie “Nikki” Krawitz, Vice President for Finance and Administration
  • Dr. Stephen W. Lehmkuhle, Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Dr. Martha W. Gilliland, Chancellor, University of Missouri-Kansas City
  • Mr. Dennis Cesari, Associate Vice President for Management Services
  • Ms. Jackie Jones, Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services, UM-Columbia

Curator Silverstein convened a closed meeting of the Board of Curators at 10:58 A.M., on Friday, July 25, 2003, in the Veterinary Medicine School Auditorium, E-126 Vet Med Building, on the University of Missouri-Columbia campus, upon approval of resolution by the Board of Curators and pursuant to public notice given of said meeting.

The closed meeting was adjourned at 2:15 P.M., on Friday, July 25, 2003.

Approved by the Board of Curators on October 16, 2003.

Kathleen M. Miller, Secretary

Reviewed 2019-08-05