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Minutes of Open and Closed Meetings

Mount Vernon, Missouri

September 9-10, 2004


Board of Curators Open Meeting

An open meeting of the University of Missouri Board of Curators convened at 1:10 P.M., on Thursday, September 9, 2004, in the Conference Room of the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station, (University of Missouri-Columbia Southwest Research Center) in Mount Vernon, Missouri, pursuant to public notice given of said meeting. Curator James presided over the meeting.

Present :
  • The Honorable Thomas E. Atkins, Curator
  • The Honorable Angela M. Bennett, J.D., Curator
  • The Honorable Connie Burkhardt, Curator
  • The Honorable Marion H. Cairns, Curator
  • The Honorable Mary L. James, Curator
  • The Honorable M. Sean McGinnis, Curator
  • The Honorable Anne C. Ream, O.D., Curator
  • The Honorable Cheryl D.S. Walker, Curator
  • The Honorable Don Walsworth, Curator
  • Mr. Shawn J. Gebhardt, Student Representative to the Board of Curators
Also Present :
  • Dr. Elson S. Floyd, President
  • Marvin E. Wright, General Counsel
  • Kathleen M. Miller, Secretary to the Board of Curators
  • Ms. Natalie “Nikki” Krawitz, Vice President for Finance and Administration
  • Dr. Stephen W. Lehmkuhle, Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Mr. David R. Russell, Director, University Relations
  • Mr. Joe Moore, Manager, Media Relations

General Business


It was moved by Curator Bennett and seconded by Curator Walsworth, that there shall be a closed meeting with a closed record and closed vote of the Board of Curators, on Thursday, September 9, 2004, for consideration of:


  1. legal action, causes of action or litigation;
  2. leasing, purchase or sale of real estate;
  3. hiring, firing, disciplining or promotion of employees.

A roll call vote was taken with the following results:

Curator Atkins voted yes.

Curator Bennett voted yes.

Curator Burkhardt voted yes.

Curator Cairns voted yes.

Curator James voted yes.

Curator McGinnis voted yes.

Curator Ream voted yes.

Curator Walker voted yes.

Curator Walsworth voted yes.

Curator James declared the motion carried.

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Board of Curators Closed Meeting

A closed meeting of the University of Missouri Board of Curators convened at 1:10 P.M., on Thursday, September 9, 2004, in the Conference Room of the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station, (University of Missouri-Columbia Southwest Research Center) in Mount Vernon, pursuant to public notice given of said meeting. Curator James presided over the meeting.

Present :
  • The Honorable Thomas E. Atkins, Curator
  • The Honorable Angela M. Bennett, J.D., Curator
  • The Honorable Connie Burkhardt, Curator
  • The Honorable Marion H. Cairns, Curator
  • The Honorable Mary L. James, Curator
  • The Honorable M. Sean McGinnis, Curator
  • The Honorable Anne C. Ream, Curator
  • The Honorable Cheryl D.S. Walker, Curator
  • The Honorable Don Walsworth, Curator
  • Mr. Shawn J. Gebhardt, Student Representative to the Board of Curators
Also Present :
  • Dr. Elson S. Floyd, President
  • Marvin E. Wright, General Counsel
  • Kathleen M. Miller, Secretary to the Board of Curators
  • Natalie “Nikki” Krawitz, Vice President for Finance and Administration
  • Dr. Stephen W. Lehmkuhle, Vice President for Academic Affairs

It was recommended by Chancellor Wallace, endorsed by President Floyd, recommended by the Academic and Student Affairs Committee, moved by Curator Walker and seconded by Curator Cairns, that the following action be approved:

that upon the recommendation of the Provost, the Dean of the College of Business, and the School of Accountancy, at the University of Missouri-Columbia, it is recommended that Dr. Jere Francis be named to the position, University of Missouri Curators' Professor, effective September 1, 2004. Dr. Francis will receive a $10,000 annual stipend as long as he holds this position. $5,000 will go to increased compensation (salary and benefits) with the remaining $5,000 available for normal professional expenses associated with his teaching, research, or creative activities.

The complete nomination materials are on file in the Office of the Chancellor.

A roll call vote was taken with the following results:

Curator Atkins voted yes.

Curator Bennett voted yes.

Curator Burkhardt voted yes.

Curator Cairns voted yes.

Curator James voted yes.

Curator McGinnis voted yes.

Curator Ream voted yes.

Curator Walker voted yes.

Curator Walsworth voted yes.

Curator James declared the motion carried.

It was recommended by Chancellor Wallace, endorsed by President Floyd, recommended by the Academic and Student Affairs Committee, moved by Curator Walker and seconded by Curator Cairns, that the following action be approved:

that upon the recommendation of the Provost, the Dean of the College of Arts and Science, and the Department of Philosophy, at the University of Missouri-Columbia, it is recommended that Dr. Bina Gupta be named to the position, University of Missouri Curators' Professor, effective September 1, 2004. Dr. Gupta will receive a $10,000 annual stipend as long as she holds this position. $5,000 will go to increased compensation (salary and benefits) with the remaining $5,000 available for normal professional expenses associated with her teaching, research, or creative activities.

The complete nomination materials are on file in the Office of the Chancellor.

A roll call vote was taken with the following results:

Curator Atkins voted yes.

Curator Bennett voted yes.

Curator Burkhardt voted yes.

Curator Cairns voted yes.

Curator James voted yes.

Curator McGinnis voted yes.

Curator Ream voted yes.

Curator Walker voted yes.

Curator Walsworth voted yes.

Curator James declared the motion carried.

It was recommended by Chancellor Wallace, endorsed by President Floyd, recommended by the Academic and Student Affairs Committee, moved by Curator Walker and seconded by Curator Cairns, that the following action be approved:

that upon the recommendation of the Provost, the Dean of the College of Arts and Science, and the Department of Mathematics, at the University of Missouri-Columbia, it is recommended that Dr. Steven C. Hofmann be named to the position, University of Missouri Curators' Professor, effective September 1, 2004. Dr. Hofmann will receive a $10,000 annual stipend as long as he holds this position. $5,000 will go to increased compensation (salary and benefits) with the remaining $5,000 available for normal professional expenses associated with his teaching, research, or creative activities.

The complete nomination materials are on file in the Office of the Chancellor.

A roll call vote was taken with the following results:

Curator Atkins voted yes.

Curator Bennett voted yes.

Curator Burkhardt voted yes.

Curator Cairns voted yes.

Curator James voted yes.

Curator McGinnis voted yes.

Curator Ream voted yes.

Curator Walker voted yes.

Curator Walsworth voted yes.

Curator James declared the motion carried.

It was recommended by Chancellor Wallace, endorsed by President Floyd, recommended by the Academic and Student Affairs Committee, moved by Curator Walker and seconded by Curator Cairns, that the following action be approved:

that upon the recommendation of the Provost, the Dean of the College of Arts and Science, and the Department of Philosophy, at the University of Missouri-Columbia, it is recommended that Dr. Peter Markie be named to the position, University of Missouri Distinguished Teaching Professor, effective September 1, 2004. Dr. Markie will receive a $10,000 annual stipend as long as he holds this position. $5,000 will go to increased compensation (salary and benefits) with the remaining $5,000 available for normal professional expenses associated with his teaching, research, or creative activities.

The complete nomination materials are on file in the Office of the Chancellor.

A roll call vote was taken with the following results:

Curator Atkins voted yes.

Curator Bennett voted yes.

Curator Burkhardt voted yes.

Curator Cairns voted yes.

Curator James voted yes.

Curator McGinnis voted yes.

Curator Ream voted yes.

Curator Walker voted yes.

Curator Walsworth voted yes.

Curator James declared the motion carried.

It was recommend by Chancellor George, endorsed by President Floyd, recommended by the Physical Facilities and Management Services Committee, moved by Curator Cairns and seconded by Curator Walker, that the following action be approved:


that the Vice President for Finance and Administration be authorized to purchase 4403C Normandy Trace Drive, St. Louis County, Missouri, from Dorothy V. Harris, for $38,000, for the University of Missouri-St. Louis.

The legal description is as follows: 

Unit C in Building 6 of 4403 Normandy Trace of Mansion Hill Condominiums according to Plat Book 253, Page 36 of the St. Louis County Records, together with the undivided share of common elements thereto belonging, all according to and more particularly described in the Mansion Hill Condominiums Declaration of Condominium recorded in Book 7990, Page 1825. 

Funding is from Campus Funds (S5911) $38,000
A roll call vote was taken with the following results:

Curator Atkins voted yes.

Curator Bennett voted yes.

Curator Burkhardt voted yes.

Curator Cairns voted yes.

Curator James voted yes.

Curator McGinnis voted yes.

Curator Ream voted yes.

Curator Walker voted yes.

Curator Walsworth voted yes.

Curator James declared the motion carried. 
The University closed September 27, 2004, on the purchase of 4403C Normandy Trace Drive, St. Louis County, Missouri for the University of Missouri-St. Louis, as approved by the Board on September 9, 2004. The property was purchased from Dorothy V. Harris for $38,000.

Litigation Update provided by General Counsel Marvin E. (Bunky) Wright - no report on file.

Personnel - President Elson S. Floyd and Board Vice President Thomas E. Atkins - no report on file.

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Board of Curators Open Meeting

An open meeting of the University of Missouri Board of Curators convened at 2:45 P.M., on Thursday, September 9, 2004, in the Auditorium of the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station, (University of Missouri-Columbia Southwest Research Center) in Mount Vernon, Missouri, pursuant to public notice given of said meeting. Curator James presided over the meeting.

Present :
  • The Honorable Thomas E. Atkins, Curator
  • The Honorable Angela M. Bennett, J.D., Curator
  • The Honorable Connie Burkhardt, Curator
  • The Honorable Marion H. Cairns, Curator
  • The Honorable Mary L. James, Curator
  • The Honorable M. Sean McGinnis, Curator
  • The Honorable Anne C. Ream, O.D., Curator
  • The Honorable Cheryl D.S. Walker, Curator
  • The Honorable Don Walsworth, Curator
  • Mr. Shawn J. Gebhardt, Student Representative to the Board of Curators
Also Present :
  • Dr. Elson S. Floyd, President, University of Missouri System
  • Marvin E. Wright, General Counsel, University of Missouri System
  • Kathleen M. Miller, Secretary to the Board of Curators
  • Mr. Ralph H. Caruso, Jr., Vice President for Information Systems
  • Dr. Brady Deaton, Interim Chancellor, University of Missouri-Columbia
  • Dr. Thomas George, Chancellor, UM-St. Louis
  • Dr. Martha W. Gilliland, Chancellor, University of Missouri-Kansas City
  • Mr. R. Kenneth Hutchinson, Vice President for Human Resources
  • Mr. Stephen C. Knorr, Vice President for Government Relations
  • Ms. Natalie “Nikki” Krawitz, Vice President for Finance and Administration
  • Dr. Stephen W. Lehmkuhle, Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Dr. Y.T. Shah, Provost, University of Missouri-Rolla (for Chancellor Gary Thomas)
  • Dr. Ronald J. Turner, Executive Vice President, University of Missouri System
  • Mr. James H. Ross, Executive Director, UM Health Care
  • Mr. David R. Russell, Director, University Relations

Board President's Report - Curator Mary L. James (transcription on file in the Office of the Secretary)

University President's Report - President Elson S. Floyd (transcription on file in the Office of the Secretary)

It was endorsed by President Floyd, moved by Curator Bennett, seconded by Curator Walker, and carried, that the following items be approved by consent agenda:

    1. Approval of Minutes of the July 23, 2004 Board of Curators meeting (as on file in the Office of the Secretary)
    2. Approval of the excerpts of closed meeting minutes (as on file in the Office of the Secretary)
    3. Approval of the research proposal approved by the Spinal Cord Injuries Research Program Advisory Board, as follows: 

      Spinal Cord Injuries and Congenital or Acquired Disease Processes Research Program - Proposals recommended for funding in 2004

      1. Skeletal Muscle after Spinal Cord Injuries $50,000 
        Marc T. Hamilton, Ph.D. 
        Department of Biomedical Sciences 
        University of Missouri-Columbia 
        Total funding recommended $50,000
    4. Approval of the University of Missouri-St. Louis revised academic calendar for 2004-2005 (as on file in the Office of the Secretary)
    5. Approval of the Revision to the Collected Rules and Regulations, 10.050.A. Standing Committees, Finance and Human Resources Committee, UM (as on file in the Office of the Secretary)

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Finance and Human Resources

MU Health Care Update - presented by Mr. James H. Ross, Executive Director UM Health Care, and Mr. Hank Wells, Chief Financial Officer (The Hunter Group), MU Health Care

It was recommended by Vice President Krawitz, endorsed by President Floyd, recommended by the Finance and Human Resources Committee, moved by Curator Walker, seconded by Curator Bennett, and carried, that the following revised investment policy statement of the endowment fund, for Collected Rules and Regulations, 140.011 Investment Policy for Endowment Fund, UM, be approved:


3. Other

The University of Missouri has an active and ongoing interest in doing business with firms that are owned, controlled, and operated by citizens of the state of Missouri. In addition, the University is committed to supporting the participation of minority and women-owned and controlled asset management firms (as defined in Section 33.750 (3), (4), and (5), RSMo 2000) in the management of its Funds. In order to facilitate the consideration of such firms by the Finance and Human Resources Committee, all groups of candidates brought forward for the Committee's consideration for investment mandates will include candidate(s) which have the above attributes whenever such a qualified candidate or candidates meet the University's threshold manager selection criteria. The University urges firms to identify any affiliations they might have with the state of Missouri for this purpose.

It was recommended by Vice President Krawitz, endorsed by President Floyd, recommended by the Finance and Human Resources Committee, moved by Curator Bennett, seconded by Curator Walker, and carried, that the following revised investment policy statement of the retirement plan, for Collected Rules and Regulations, 149.012 Investment Policy for Retirement, Disability and Death Plan, UM, be approved:


4. The University of Missouri has an active and ongoing interest in doing business with firms that are owned, controlled, and operated by citizens of the state of Missouri. In addition, the University is committed to supporting the participation of minority and women-owned and controlled asset management firms (as defined in Section 33.750 (3), (4), and (5), RSMo 2000) in the management of its Funds. In order to facilitate the consideration of such firms by the Finance and Human Resources Committee, all groups of candidates brought forward for the Committee's consideration for investment mandates will include candidate(s) which have the above attributes whenever such a qualified candidate or candidates meet the University's threshold manager selection criteria. The University urges firms to identify any affiliations they might have with the state of Missouri for this purpose.

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 Academic and Student Affairs Committee

It was recommended by Vice President Lehmkuhle, endorsed by President Floyd, recommended by the Academic and Student Affairs Committee, moved by Curator Ream, seconded by Curator Walsworth, and carried, that the following action be approved:

that the University of Missouri-St. Louis be authorized to submit the proposal for an Education Specialist in Education Administration (as on file in the Office of the Secretary) to the Coordinating Board for Higher Education for approval.

It was recommended by Vice President Lehmkuhle, endorsed by President Floyd, recommended by the Academic and Student Affairs Committee, moved by Curator Ream, seconded by Curator Walsworth, and carried, that the following action be approved:

that the University of Missouri-St. Louis be authorized to submit the proposal for an Education Specialist in School Psychology (as on file in the Office of the Secretary) to the Coordinating Board for Higher Education for approval.

It was recommended by Vice President Lehmkuhle, endorsed by President Floyd, recommended by the Academic and Student Affairs Committee, moved by Curator Bennett, seconded by Curator Walker, and carried, that the following action be approved:

that the University of Missouri-St. Louis be authorized to submit the proposal for a Master of Education in Adult and Higher Education (as on file in the Office of the Secretary) to the Coordinating Board for Higher Education for approval.

It was recommended by Vice President Lehmkuhle, endorsed by President Floyd, recommended by the Academic and Student Affairs Committee, moved by Curator Ream, seconded by Curator Bennett, and carried, that the following action be approved:

that the University of Missouri-Rolla be authorized to submit the proposal for a Bachelor of Science in Technical Communication (as on file in the Office of the Secretary) to the Coordinating Board for Higher Education for approval.

It was recommended by Vice President Lehmkuhle, endorsed by President Floyd, recommended by the Academic and Student Affairs Committee, moved by Curator Bennett, seconded by Curator Ream, and carried, that the following action be approved:

that the University of Missouri-Rolla be authorized to submit the proposal for a Master of Science in Technical Communications (as on file in the Office of the Secretary) to the Coordinating Board for Higher Education for approval.

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Physical Facilities and Management Services

Capital Plans Fiscal Years 2005 and 2006, Consultants, Construction & Procurement
 - presentation by Vice President Krawitz (report on file in the Office of the Secretary)

It was recommended by Chancellor Wallace, endorsed by President Floyd, recommended by the Physical Facilities and Management Services Committee, moved by Curator Bennett, seconded by Curator Cairns, and carried, that the following action be approved:

that the University of Missouri enter into a Purpose and Use Agreement with the U.S. Economic Development Administration at such time as the President is satisfied that all terms and conditions of the University grant proposal to the U.S. Economic Development Administration with respect to establishment of an incubation facility can and will be met, including adequate fundraising from outside sources, which agreement would restrict the use of approximately 2.5 acres of land at the University of Missouri-Columbia Research Park for incubation type and other economic development operations for a twenty (20) year period and to have such restrictions placed in the real estate records of Boone County.

It was moved by Curator Ream, seconded by Curator Cairns, and carried, that the meeting of the Board of Curators, September 9, 2004, be adjourned.

There being no further business to come before the Board of Curators, Curator James declared the meeting adjourned at 3:40 P.M., on Thursday, September 9, 2004.

The University of Missouri Board of Curators and President Elson S. Floyd hosted an open house at the Southwest Research Center on the evening of September 9, 2004, to recognize the individuals and their accomplishments at the Missouri Rehabilitation Center and the Southwest Research Center.

The Southwest Research Center hosted their Annual Field Day Appreciation Breakfast at 7:00 A.M., on Friday, September 10, 2004. The members of the Board of Curators attended.

The Board of Curators attended a presentation and guided tour of the Missouri Rehabilitation Center at 9:00 A.M., on Friday, September 10, 2004, in Mount Vernon, Missouri.

Approved by the Board of Curators

November 18-19, 2004.


Kathleen M. Miller, Secretary

University of Missouri Board of Curators

Reviewed 2019-08-05