Nearly all electronic funds are deposited into the electronic receipts account.
- Access can be granted to Commerce Connections so an end user can search for payments before claiming the payment. If you are requesting access to Commerce Connections please email UM VP FA Cash Management and please receive your division fiscal officer approval for the acess.
- A Commerce Connections end user guide has been developed to assist the end user in logging in and navigating the system. If you would like a copy of the end user guide please email UM VP FA Cash Management.
- A weekly unclaimed report is emailed to end users by the Controller's Office. If you would like to begin receiving this report please contact Joseph Whelan.
- Funds received have to be claimed by Wire/ACH CRR or by Wire/ACH ARR. Once the Wire/ACH CRR is entered and approved then the revenue will post to your general ledger. Once the Wire/ACH ARR is entered and approved then the payment will be applied to your open AR/BI invoice. If you do not have Wire/ACH CRR or Wire/ACH ARR access then please have your division fiscal officer contact your campus accounting office to have the access granted.
Reviewed 2019-08-05