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C. Brice Ratchford Memorial Fellowship - Recipients

The C. Brice Ratchford Memorial Fellowship Award recognizes a University of Missouri System faculty member who demonstrates commitment, dedication and effectiveness in advancing the land-grant mission through extension, international education, and agricultural economics programs. The fellowship is presented to a faculty member who personifies the creativity, vision and leadership exhibited by the late Dr. C. Brice Ratchford, president emeritus of the University of Missouri System and dean of cooperative extension. The annual award is funded from a permanent endowment created with contributions from the Ratchford family and from numerous colleagues, friends and organizations in recognition of Dr. Ratchford’s memory.

Year Honoree
2021 David Herzog
2020 Ray Massey
2019 Daniel Oerther
2018 Randall Smith
2017 David Baker
2016 Scott Brown
2015 Frederick (Fritz) Cropp IV
2014 David Patterson
2013 Jerry Valentine
2012 Carl Calkins
2011 Robert Kallenbach
2010 A. Curtis Elmore
2009 Ron Turner
2008 George McCall
2007 E. Terrence (Terry) Jones
2006 Don Day
2005 Bette Loiselle
2004 Gerald Hitzhusen
2003 Kay Gasen
2002 Glen Easter
2001 Cassy Dierking Venters
2000 Michael Cook
1999 Daryl Hobbs

Reviewed 2021-04-14