REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS for KC616602 Bloch Heritage Hall Renovation and Addition
Advertisement Bids
Sealed bids for: REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS for KC616602 Bloch Heritage Hall Renovation and Addition
Project Number: KC616602
Status: Inactive
Advertisement Date: 24/04-2020
Campus: Kansas City
Construction Estimate:
FOR: Pre-Qualification for General Contractors
#KC616602 Bloch Heritage Hall Renovation and Addition
University of Missouri – Kansas City
Qualifications will be received by the Curators of the University of Missouri, Owner, via email to Chad Bristow ( Director - Planning, Design and Construction, Campus Facilities Management, University of Missouri-Kansas City by 2:00pm, Friday, May 8th, 2020. Immediately following the closing time for receipt of qualifications each respondent will be notified that their submission has been received via email. No other information will be provided at that time. The University reserves the right to waive informalities in bids and to reject any/all responses to this request for qualifications and advertise the project publically.
Questions should be directed to Chad Bristow at (816) 235-1689.
Individuals with special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act may contact (816) 235-1354.
KC616602 BHH_RFQ GC Pre-Qual_24APR2020
Date: April 29, 2020
To: Pre-Qualification for General Contractors
For: Project No. KC616602 Bloch Heritage Hall Renovation and Addition Advertisement Date: April 24, 2020
Prepared For: The Curators of the University of Missouri
The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for this project are modified as follows and otherwise remain unchanged and in full force and effect:
- The mandatory pre-qualification EMR requirements of less than 1.0 and no work related fatalities in the past 3 years will apply to the General Contractor’s local office that would be working on this project.
- The intent to engage 3-5 pre-qualified general contractors during design development for feedback regarding phasing, construction sequencing and schedule, and cost analysis does not entail a contractual agreement for formal Preconstruction Services. This engagement will be limited to 1-2 hour discussions to offer feedback on the A/E team’s design documents. Only pre-qualified GCs will be allowed to bid the project in November 2020.
Reviewed 2020-11-04