Advertisement for Bids - KC640301 Education, Newcomb & Royall Hall Partial Roof Replacements
Advertisement Bids
Sealed bids for: Advertisement for Bids - KC640301 Education, Newcomb & Royall Hall Partial Roof Replacements
Project Number: KC640301
Status: Inactive
Advertisement Date: 10/03-2021
Campus: Kansas City
Construction Estimate: 1,050,400.00
Sealed bids for:
Education, Newcomb, & Royal Hall Partial Roof Replacements
will be received by the Curators of the University of Missouri, Owner, through the bidding module in the University
of Missouri’s e-Builder bid module, until 3:00PM, C.T., Monday, March 29, 2021 and then immediately opened through an online Zoom meeting: |
Phone one-tap: |
US: +13126266799,,93036768317# or +16468769923,,93036768317# |
Meeting URL: | |
Meeting ID: |
930 3676 8317 |
Passcode: |
032655 |
and publicly read aloud. Upon registration, each bidder will have their own secure key to fill out the bid form and upload the bid security and appropriate Supplier Diversity Forms.
Drawings, specifications, and other related contract information may be obtained through the e-Builder bidding module through the University of Missouri’s e-Builder project management software at the following link:
Electronic bid sets are available through E-builder at no cost and may be printed as desired by the plan holders. No paper copies will be issued. If paper copies are desired, it is the responsibility of the user to print the files or have them printed.
Helpful e-Builder bidders’ portal instructional training video: onal-training-video
Questions regarding commercial conditions and bidding policies should be directed to Project Manager Angel Jenkins, UMKC at (816) 235-1364.
Questions regarding the scope of work or technical requirements should be directed to the consultant, Andy Short, AIA, (816) 471-6522, This can be done via phone or e-mail, but it is preferred that the bidder use the Question/Response feature in e-Builder bid module.
A Zoom prebid Meeting will be held at 2:30PM, C.T., Monday, March 15, 2021. All interested bidders are invited to attend this meeting. A Virtual walk-through of the project will be done at the Prebid Meeting
Meeting URL: | |
Meeting ID: |
930 3381 9819 |
Passcode: |
212710 |
Information regarding bid results will be available the day following the bid opening by emailing the CPM
A Supplier Diversity Participation goal of 20% Combined MBE, WBE, DBE and Veteran; 3% SDVE has been established for this contract.
The Owner reserves the right to waive informalities in bids and to reject any and all bids.
Individuals with special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act may contact (816)235-1364
Advertisement Date: 3/8/2021
Reviewed 2021-03-10