Request for Qualifications to Pre-Qualify General Contractors for: KC652801 UMKC – SOM St. Joseph New Facility Building
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Sealed bids for: Request for Qualifications to Pre-Qualify General Contractors for: KC652801 UMKC – SOM St. Joseph New Facility Building
Project Number: KC652801
Status: Inactive
Advertisement Date: 16/05-2023
Campus: Kansas City
Construction Estimate: $10,900,000
Advertisement Date: Tuesday, May 16th, 2023
Request for Qualifications to Pre-Qualify General Contractors for:
UMKC – SOM St. Joseph New Facility Building
University of Missouri – Kansas City- SOM
St Joseph, MO
Project No. KC652801 Construction Estimate: $10,900,000
Attention: Rick Wise
2020 Baltimore Avenue, Suite 300
Kansas City, MO
Telephone: 816.474.8237
Submission of Qualifications
Responses to this request for qualifications will be received by the Curators of the University of Missouri, Owner, via email to William Haverly ( Director & Wafa Abbas ( ) PM - Planning, Design and Construction, Campus Facilities Management, University of Missouri – Kansas City by 2:00 PM C.T., Friday, June 2nd, 2023. Immediately following the closing time for receipt of qualifications, each respondent will be notified via email that their submission has been received. No other information will be shared until the evaluation process is complete. The University reserves the right to reject any/all responses to this request for qualifications and advertise the project publicly.
Rationale for Pre-qualification
The University of Missouri – Kansas City has determined general contractor pre-qualification is necessary due to the complex nature of the construction of this new Building. This project will require a general contractor with a proven track record of successfully completing new construction of occupied higher education/institutional buildings with similar of comparable complexities. This project must be completed within a timeframe in order to meet the Owner’s schedule commitments for occupancy of the entire facility for the 2025 fall semester.
The construction budget for this project is $10,900,000.
Project Description
This project is construction a new building for the UMKC – SOM facility to be located on the MOSAIC Hospital Campus in St. Joseph, MO. The Project is a new two-story building to include medical school recruitment space, student and program space, classrooms, simulation labs to accommodate standardized patient rooms and additional education space, offices, student services and other support services for UMKC SOM. with total buildup area about 26,000 GSF.
Anticipated Schedule
Project status is currently in the design development phase, and it is the university intent to engage 3-4 prequalified general contractors during this stage for feedback regarding phasing, construction sequences, cost analysis, and schedule. the project is anticipated to advertise for bids in late 2023. Only bids from qualified general contractors will be accepted. Supplier diversity participation goals will be 25% MBE, 10% WBE, VETERAN, DBE, and 3% SDV.
Advertise Request for Qualifications Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Receive Qualifications Friday, June 02, 2023
Interview Firms (If Applicable) Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Name Successful Prequalified General Contractors Friday, June 9, 2023
Orientation / Kick-Off Meeting Week of June 12, 2023
Design Development Complete July 2023
Construction Documents Complete October 2023
Bidding November 2023
Award December 2023
Construction Begins January 2024
Substantial Completion May 2025
The anticipated schedule provided above is subject to change but is provided to give a general overview of how the project is expected to proceed.
Qualification Process
Qualifications of respondents to this RFQ will be evaluated based upon the financial responsibility, safety record, ability to adhere to schedules, past experience the firm and the firm’s proposed project team has had with projects of similar size and scope, construction type, schedule and other information included in the qualification packet. The Owner will assign an evaluation team comprised of representatives from the design team and the Owner’s staff to evaluate and score the respondents qualifications material. A point total of 1,000 points has been assigned to the qualification criteria enclosed herein. All general contractors scoring a minimum of 800 points will be prequalified based on the weighted criteria. The University will notify all respondents after their qualifications have been reviewed and scored.
The weighting of the points for the qualifications packet will be as follows:
TAB 1 - 150 points / Organizational Background
TAB 2 - 250 points / Project Team Resumes
TAB 3 - 100 points / Annual Work Volume
TAB 4 - 150 points / Operational Methods
TAB 5 - 250 points / Relevant Experience
TAB 6 - 100 points / Financial Statement
Irrespective of any point total, mandatory requirements for pre-qualification include:
- Successful completion of project(s) similar in value and scope by both the firm and the firm’s proposed team.
- Experience modification rate of less than 1.0.
- No work-related fatalities in the last three years.
Firms not meeting these mandatory requirements will not be prequalified.
The Owner reserves the right to seek clarifications and to interview the contractor’s proposed project team.
QUALIFICATION PACKET: Each respondent shall submit one electronic PDF copy of the Qualifications. Qualifications shall be a maximum of twelve one-sided (8 ½ x 11) pages. The qualification information required to be submitted is listed below.
The contractor shall furnish a brief history of how the company was started and developed, when the company was started and a list of the primary officers who are involved within the company and how the company is organized.
The contractor will be required to have qualified key personnel in the office and at the construction site who have served in similar project team roles and previous experience with projects of a similar scope and complexity. The contractor shall include an organizational chart showing all persons who will be involved with this project and their roles and responsibilities. Include a short narrative for each individual detailing their past experience in a similar role that qualifies them for this project. Include a bar chart illustrating the timing, duration and percent FTE of each individual.
The contractor shall furnish a resume for all staff listed on the organizational chart under TAB 1 listing: name, experience, time with the company and experience with projects of similar scope and complexity. Resumes submitted in this qualification shall be for the actual individuals that will directly supervise the work of this projects.
Provide yearly volume of construction work completed for the past 5 years:
Provide projected volume for 2023. Provide project listing and tabulation.
List and describe the following:
- Work performed by the contractor’s own workforce.
- Does the contractor have the ability to perform 3D coordination of MEP systems? Is this performed in-house or subcontracted?
- What is the contractor’s E.M.R. Factor (Employee Safety Modification Factor)?
- What is the contractor’s Performance, Labor, and Material Bond Rate?
- Based on the contractor’s current and projected backlog, how many tradesmen will be available as necessary to achieve the schedule requirements? List by trade and classifications.
- Describe the company’s safety program. If written program, provide a copy of the table of contents from the manual.
- Describe the company’s quality assurance program. If written program, provide a copy of the table of contents from the manual.
- Provide a narrative of the scheduling programs and strategies to be utilized to maintain each phase of the project schedule including how weather will be managed, also include efforts for management of critical submittals and closeout efforts.
Provide a list of past and present projects of a similar scope and complexity as this project with emphasis on higher education/institutional buildings.
Include the location, description of the work scope, date started, contract completion date, actual completion date, contract amount, and square footage of the facility. Provide references with the contact information for each project listed.
Provide a list of major projects your organization has completed in the past five years, listing the name of each project, owner, architect, and contract amount, date of completions and percentages of the cost of the work performed with your own forces.
- Provide your organization’s most recently audited financial statement (separate document in sealed envelope or email
Reviewed 2023-07-18