In May of 2014, Joshua Boucher, M.A. ’15, travelled to Cape Town, South Africa to investigate the founding of the University of Missouri South Africa Education Program. Over two months, he conducted interviews with University of the Western Cape professors and administrators about the birth of the program and its lasting impact on both the University of the Western Cape and the University of Missouri.
His project, “The Most Powerful Weapon”: The Story of the University of Missouri South Africa Exchange Program, is a blended narrative multimedia website that uses original interviews, historical photographs, maps in a long form article. This project serves as the skills component for his master’s project completed for the University of Missouri School of Journalism. Boucher graduated with a concentration in photojournalism in May 2015. You can learn more about Boucher here.
- View “The Most Powerful Weapon”: The Story of the University of Missouri South Africa Exchange Program digital presenation
Reviewed 2019-08-05