Records Retention Guide
The Records Retention Guide provides a quick reference to the records retention requirements,
including the proper disposition, of those University records that are normally found in all departments.
These records may be original records (copy of record) or copies.
The retention periods established for University records are based on the legal, administrative,
financial, research, and historical needs of the University. “Just in case” or “We might need that”
are not legitimate criteria for keeping records beyond their established retention time. Likewise, the
type of media a record is created or retained on has no bearing on retention time requirements since
retention periods are media neutral. However, records having long retention periods must be either
retained on a media that has a long life span or a migration plan must be in place to ensure availability
of the records for as long as they are needed.
The ‡ to the left of an entry indicates a change in a retention requirement time period or a new
records retention requirement authorization.
The year listed in the Year-of-Record column indicates the year of the records now due for disposition.
The year indicated will be either a fiscal or calendar year. If the year is a fiscal year, the year will be
shown as xx/xx (example 12/13). This refers to the records being created between July 1, 2012, and
June 30, 2013. If the year is a calendar year, the year will be shown as xxxx (example 2013).
This refers to the calendar year ending on December 2013.
Due to the limited space available in the Records Retention Guide, the retention information provided
is a summary of the actual Records Retention Authorizations. The exact wording for most Records
Retention Authorizations is available on Records Management's web site at under Records Retention Guide.
Questions on any of the records described in the Guide may be directed to Records Management.
Departments wishing additional assistance with their records program should complete the Request
for Records Management Assistance form (last page) indicating the area(s) they wish assistance.
Director of Records Management
Reviewed 2019-08-05