1. Research Data (Raw Data)
Research data is recorded information regardless of the form or media on which it may be recorded. It may include laboratory workbooks, notes, technical data, questionnaires, case histories, synthetic compounds, cell lines, mapping information, plant, animal, chemical compounds or any other materials and/or information required to replicate or verify the results of an experiment or other scholarly exercise.
Authorized Retention:
Retain for seven (7) years after the final report on the research project has been submitted, then destroy. If the research is being done under a contract that requires a longer retention time, the contract retention time will apply. In instances where the Principal Investigator believes the records have continuing research value and/or when it is in the best interest of the University that this data be retained for long or indefinite periods, Records Management and the investigator will develop a retention period that meets the needs of the University and the investigator.
In instances where the research data must be retained for long periods of time (over 15 years) to aid subsequent research projects, then microfilm or other storage media that has stable longevity capabilities can be used to retain the research information.
Reviewed 2019-08-05