Description: Pharmacy (Rx) Delivery Software, University of Missouri Health Care
Closing Date/Time: November 8, 2024 @ 3:00 PM
Rick Hess
10a RFP 24-31166 Rx Delivery SW (241021) - Announcement_0.pdf
The Curators of the University of Missouri on behalf of University of Missouri Health Care (hereafter referred to as MUHC) requests proposals for all services required for the implementation, support, and maintenance of the Department’s Pharmacy (Rx) Delivery Software.
If you would wish to receive the complete RFP with attachments, please contact Rick Hess via email at RJH2c4@Health.Missouri.edu referencing “RFP 24-31166, Rx Delivery SW.”
Thank you for your interest in providing these services for MUHC.
Reviewed 2024-10-21